Dublin, Oct. 18, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "United States Compliance Management Kit 2022" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering.
Everything from an Industry standard White Paper to a detail audit program - Compliant with GDPR, HIPAA, FIPS 199, ISO and mandated security and business continuity requirements
Recent ransomware attacks focused most C-Level executives on asset security and compliance as more business is conducted on the Internet. In addition, not meeting compliance mandates exposes enterprises to damaged reputations and fines. The Compliance Management Kit provides tools that are properly implemented minimizes those risks. The Compliance Management Kit is the must-have tool to meet mandated governmental and industry compliance objectives.
The Kit comes in three versions. Each version contains the Compliance Management White Paper, a self-scoring Security Audit Program, a PCI Audit Program, and 25 key job descriptions including one for the Chief Compliance Officer which is six pages in length.
Most common fraud is from information theft after a security breach
With the greater dependence by corporations on open INTERNET-based systems there has been a notable increase in fraud and theft. In 2021, 70% of companies were impacted by IT-related fraud. IT-related fraud is now the most common security threat that enterprises of all types and sizes face. IT professionals not only need to be concerned with the protection of sensitive information in the new mobile computing environment.
Janco in its monthly interviews of CIOs found that one in three organizations has experienced some type of fraud associated with their systems.
Janco conducted a security survey of 827 senior executives, 62 percent of them at the C-suite level. They found that over seventy percent of CIOs and CFOs said their companies experienced fraud in the previous 12 months. That is compared to 61% percent in 2021. The fraud they found went beyond IT systems.
Compliance Management - Silver Edition
- Compliance Management White Paper
- HIPPA Audit Program
- Security Audit Program - fully editable -- Comes in MS EXCEL and PDF formats -- Meets ISO 27001, 27002, Sarbanes-Oxley, PCI-DSS and HIPAA requirements -- Over 400 unique tasks divided into 11 areas of audit focus which are the divided into 39 separate task groupings including BYOD.
- PCI Audit Program - Word and PDF
- Compliance Management Job Descriptions (25 key positions) - Word Format - fully editable and PDF- Chief Compliance Officer (CCO), Chief Data Officer, Chief Mobility Officer, Chief Security Officer, Data Protection Officer, Director Electronic Commerce, Director IT Management and Controls, Director Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance, Manager Blockchain Architecture, Manager BYOD Support, Manager Compliance, Manager E-Commerce, Manager Enterprise Architecture, Manager Internet Systems, Manager Record Administration, Manager Transaction Processing, Manager Video and Website Content, Manager Web Content, Manager Wireless Systems, PCI-DSS Administrator, System Administrators - Linux, System Administrators - Windows, System Administrators - UNIX, Webmaster, and WiFi Network Administrator
Key Topics Covered:
- License Conditions
- Compliance Management
- Compliance Requirements
- Record Classification, Management, Retention, and Destruction
- ISO Security Domains
- ISO 27000
- Governmental Mandates
- California Consumer Privacy Act (CaCPA)
- California SB 1386 Personal Information Privacy
- FTC Information Safeguards
- General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
- Gramm-Leach-Bliley (Financial Services Modernization)
- Massachusetts 201 CMR 17.00 Data Protection Requirements
- Sarbanes-Oxley Act
- State Security Breach Notification Laws
- Implementation
- Compliance Tools Purchase Options
- COBIT Edition
- Version History
For more information about this report visit https://www.researchandmarkets.com/r/uxd1fp