Attorney Marcy Resnik Is Mentoring Women Lawyers To Stand Up For Their Clients By Standing Up For Themselves

Florida Attorney recognized for mentorship work

Miami, Florida, Nov. 07, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The narration is fast changing, as the male-dominated law space is fast becoming a playground for the female gender. Marcy Resnik a lawyer based in Fort Lauderdale, Florida who’s firm recently won a Pro Bono award is announcing an expansion of her work and mission to mentor more aspiring females to become commercial lawyers to ensure equality in the courtroom and help mentor them on “leaning in” and finding balance between family life and the law.

Commercial law is perhaps the most complex division of the judiciary system today. Dealing with issues related to conduction and relationships in trade, commerce, and businesses can be challenging for any lawyer, as they're no longer geographically limited. In addition, digitalization has leveled the playground for businesses, nevertheless, this doesn’t come with its inherent challenges.

Attorney Marcy Resnik is a seasoned commercial lawyer known for resolving complicated cases and with that experience first hand resolving complex cases and balancing family life she has showcased her ability to mentor future litigators who are looking for advice on how best to navigate the complex world of law and family life.

With over 34 years of experience, Marcy Resnik has continuously proven herself, questioning the male-biased status quo. However, achieving this feat wasn't on a silver platter, says Marcy Resnik. She realized this early on in her career. Early in her career, Marcy Resnik knew that she needed to prove herself in the courtroom to build her credibility and only then would people take her seriously.

During the initial phase of her career, Marcy Resnik worked hard despite the rough terrain her career presented to women when she started out. The landscape today is much more open and accommodating to females compared to decades ago. As a result, she proved worthy of her current position and became a sought-after name in the crowded South Florida legal scene. However, what still bothers Marcy Resnik is the disparity in the courtroom. Even after three decades of practicing, Resnik often finds herself one of the only female lawyers in this judicial division. So Resnik decided to close the gap as the disparity continued by adding a new dimension to her career as a mentor to young females who are interested in pursuing a life long career in law or those who have recently graduated, passed the bar, and are looking for advice on their future.

Today, Resnik is a model to many aspiring female lawyers. She inspires young lawyers, especially women, to be brave in their fight for justice and fight for equality across the board including equal pay structures. Resnik wants women to know that it is important to stand up for themselves first to enable them to stand up for their clients and it will show in the courtroom. A woman can only advocate a cause if she dares to advocate her opinion and thoughts despite all the barriers coming her way. Resnik's ideologies are already positively impacting young female lawyers, helping them find a purpose in their lives and the reason to transform society.

Resnik has earned the prestigious AV rating by Martindale Hubble for her professionalism, ethics, and ability to present her client in the right picture. She has also earned the esteemed "Woman of Valor" title at Aventura Turnberry Jewish Center for her relentless efforts in the courtroom. As an attorney, Marcy Resnik shows the world that female layers can make a mark in a complex judiciary division like commercial law. Now her goal is to paint a bigger picture, making way for more women to end the dominance of male lawyers in this space.

As a female lawyer, Resnik hopes to continue proving herself in the courtroom while mentoring young lawyers to walk the same path. She looks forward to seeing women pulling their weights in the litigation scene thanks to her mentorship and inspiration.

