SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 09, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Voltus, Inc. ("Voltus"), the leading distributed energy resource (DER) software platform, today announced it has partnered with Illinois Valley Community College (“IVCC”) to provide two megawatts of demand relief to the Illinois electric grid. Commercial, industrial, and institutional customers, like IVCC, have a critical role to play in helping to bridge the expected capacity shortfalls by the Midcontinent Independent System Operator (“MISO”), southern Illinois’s grid operator.
Through Voltus’s demand response programs, IVCC will get paid to reduce electricity usage in response to grid stress or market signals in order to help prevent blackouts. IVCC will also receive access to Voltus’s technology platform, VoltApp, which delivers real-time energy and demand response performance data, in order to optimize energy savings and revenue.
“IVCC has an explicit goal of developing sustainable partnerships that contribute to the economic success of not only the individual but the community at large,” says Matt Seaton, IVCC’s Vice President of Business Services and Finance. “Enrolling in demand response programs with Voltus enables us to support our local community while investing revenue earned back into the school and our students.”
“IVCC is demonstrating exceptional leadership amongst the nearly 200 colleges and universities in the state of Illinois by enrolling in Voltus’s demand response programs,” says Matthew Plante, Voltus President and Co-founder. “Distributed energy resources of all types play a critical role in keeping the lights on – whether it’s switching to onsite generation or simply turning off non-essential lighting and HVAC when the grid needs relief. By combining the efforts of businesses and institutions across Illinois, we can play a pivotal role in preventing grid emergencies.”
Voltus works with businesses across the Midwest to create additional revenue and savings by building a more economical, reliable, and sustainable electric grid. To learn more, join Voltus’s informational webinar on Tuesday, November 29. To enroll your business in these programs and start earning cash, email
About Illinois Valley Community College
Illinois Valley Community College has served the educational needs of its north-central Illinois district for 98 years. Illinois Valley Community College provides a high-quality, accessible, and affordable education that inspires individuals and our community to thrive.
About Voltus
Voltus is the leading software technology platform connecting nearly 2,600 MW of distributed energy resources to electricity markets, delivering less expensive, more reliable, and more sustainable electricity. Our commercial and industrial customers and DER partners generate cash by allowing Voltus to maximize the value of their flexible load, distributed generation, energy storage, energy efficiency, and electric vehicle resources in these markets. To learn more, visit
Media Contact - Voltus
Mona Khaldi