HUNTINGTON, W.Va., Nov. 14, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In response to the needs of local business owners in the tri-state area, Huntington Junior College (HJC), Huntington, W.Va., is adding “credentials as you go” in accounting and entrepreneurship as part of its associate’s degree in Business Management. Click to tweet.
Beginning in 2023, new students will earn a certificate in Business Fundamentals after completing the first 37 credits common to all Business Management tracks. They then are able to earn a certificate in accounting or entrepreneurship before completing their Associate’s Degree, demonstrating mastery in important areas.
“Credentialing-as-you-go is a movement gaining steam in colleges because it allows students to learn specific skills quickly and put those skills to work at their places of employment,” said Dr. Kiko Suarez, the chief academic officer at HJC. “Employers benefit because they know that students have mastered these important areas and they can tap into this knowledge before a degree is earned.”
HJC is developing additional credential programs for the Business Management degree that will be announced in 2023.
“We’ve been talking with local business owners and community leaders to learn the kinds of skills they need to ensure a vibrant and successful business environment in the tri-state area, and we are working to build those programs as quickly as possible,” said Suarez.
HJC announced last month that all new students will be required to complete a Certificate in Civics in order to graduate with an associate’s degree.
“We are rethinking all of our programs to ensure students graduate from HJC ready to succeed,” said Suarez.
More information about HJC degrees and programs can be found at
About HJC
Founded in 1936, Huntington Junior College (HJC) is a comprehensive, open-admission private institution that serves students from the West Virginia, Kentucky, and Ohio tri-state area, as well as globally. The college’s mission is to prepare students for successful employment and lifelong learning. The college is ranked among the top six medical assistant schools and dental schools in West Virginia and has robust substance abuse counseling and business management programs. HJC is owned by SensibleSchool, Inc., a subsidiary of Certell, Inc.
For information contact:
Mara Conklin, (847) 340-6823
Kathy Zoeller, (312) 485-2422