Icelandair: Traffic Data February 2023

In February 2023, Icelandair’s passengers were 200 thousand, compared to 125 thousand in February last year. Capacity in February was 42% higher than last year and 82% of February 2019.

Passengers on international flights were 181 thousand, compared to 109 thousand in February 2022, an increase of 66%. Passengers to Iceland were 95 thousand and from Iceland 45 thousand. Via passengers were around 40 thousand. The number of via passengers increased threefold year-on-year. On-time performance on international flights was 74%. The load factor on international flights was 76.4%, an improvement of 10.1 ppt year-on-year and the highest load factor in February since 2016. On time performance and passenger numbers were affected by weather related disruptions in February, which led to around 5% reduction in production through cancellations.

Passengers on domestic flights were 19 thousand, compared to 16 thousand in February 2022. On time performance was 70%. Load factor on domestic flights was 78.9%. Weather in Iceland also had a negative effect on domestic on time performance and passenger numbers in February.

Sold block hours in charter flights decreased by 8%. Freight measured in Freight Ton Kilometers increased by 36% compared to February last year. The increase in cargo is due to increased capacity with the introduction of a Boeing 767 widebody into the cargo fleet.

Route NetworkFeb 23Feb 22CHG (%)YTD 23YTD 22CHG (%)
Number of Passengers 199,886124,60760%409,759238,01072%
Load Factor76.5%66.4%10.1 ppt75.4%62.8%12.6 ppt
Available Seat KM (ASK´000,000)689.7485.842%1,487.21,019.946%
Revenue Passenger KM (RPK´000,000)527.3322.364%1,121.9640.675%
  To market (passengers)95,38966,16644%169,960111,48852%
  From market (passengers)44,75926,86467%92,21051,61579%
  Via market (passengers)40,47515,693158%109,80647,301132%
Number of Passengers 180,623108,72366%371,976210,40477%
Load Factor76.4%66.2%10.2 ppt75.4%62.7%12.8 ppt
Available Seat KM (ASK´000,000)682.6480.242%1,472.71,009.646%
Revenue Passenger KM (RPK´000,000)521.7317.864%1,111.0632.776%
Stage length (KM)2,8772,978-3%2,9393,035-3%
On-Time-Performance (Arrivals)74.0%67.0%7.0 ppt74.0%70.0%4.0 ppt
Number of Passengers19,26315,88421%37,78327,60637%
Load Factor78.9%80.0%-1.1 ppt75.6%76.8%-1.2 ppt
Available Seat KM (ASK´000,000)7.05.625%14.510.341%
On-Time-Performance (Arrivals)70%51%19.0 ppt77%58%19.0 ppt
Cargo & LeasingFeb 23Feb 22CHG (%)YTD 23YTD 22CHG (%)
Sold Block Hours - Leasing1,2891,399-8%2,3402,482-6%
Freight Tonne KM (FTK´000)13,84910,18936%27,68320,78933%
CO2 EMISSIONSFeb 23Feb 22CHG (%)YTD 23YTD 22CHG (%)
Total CO2 emissions tonnes 53,43139,37736%111,28180,84738%
CO2 emissions per OTK*0.790.91-13%0.810.97-17%

Contact information
Investors: Iris Hulda Thorisdottir, Director Investor Relations. E-mail:
Media: Asdis Petursdottir, Director Communications. E-mail: