Agrotools Brings its Digital Solutions to the North American Market

Agritech leader onboards new North American Managing Director as it plans for 2023 expansion

São Paulo, Brazil, March 28, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Agrotools, a leading technology and intelligence company for agribusiness, today announced its expansion into the North American market. Offering the largest ecosystem of digital solutions for agribusiness through a proprietary platform on the market today, combined with 16 years of experience in the market and a strong bottom line, Agrotools’ move to North America is a key pillar of its growth strategy, which also includes mergers and acquisitions.

The company has announced that it is adding Rafael Quintella to its team to represent the company in North America. Quintella has almost 20 years of experience in general management and finance for high growth companies from private equity investors such as 3G Capital, JAB Holdings and Garnett Station Partners. Over the course of his career Quintella has worked on many M&As and market entry projects. Quintella holds an MBA from NYU Stern School of Business.

Initially, Agrotools’ international expansion took it to Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Australia. Now Agrotools is accelerating its plans with advancements in several Latin American countries while creating a new structure in the US. Brazil is a very complex agribusiness market and Agrotools’ products were all developed with that background. This lead Agrotools to have a very specialized and creative team that works close with its customers to develop a large range of solutions for the past 16 years. The US market is similar to Brazil and Agrotools has the skills to succeed.

As Agrotools enters the North American market, it is counting on the support of Microsoft. Herbert Lewy, General Manager LATAM for Agribusiness and Bio Industries at Microsoft said, “At Microsoft we are driving innovation by supporting and helping grow the Agtech ecosystem across the region. We believe that through this powerful network of entrepreneurs  the benefits of data analysis and artificial intelligence will reach everyone and truly democratize access. We support Agrotools in its growth and expansion and together will promote a data-oriented, connected and sustainable agriculture.”

According to the last Agtech report Radar Agtech from Embrapa, Brazil has more than 1,500 Agtechs. Agrotools was selected among the top consolidated Agtechs in Brazil to participate in the THRIVE/ApexBrasil Agtech Immersion Program, which provides access to potential clients and relationships with local investors in the US and North America and mentoring with professionals from both regions. While completing its US roadshow at the World Agri-Tech Innovation Summit, an annual event that connects agribusiness companies, technology players and investors in San Francisco, California, Agrotools gained insight into the evolving agribusiness climate, especially in a changeable economic climate.

“I am very excited to lead Agrotools in North America. We see a great fit for our products here and ourinitial conversations with clients and partners have been extremely positive. Agrotools is used to the complexity and dynamism of the agribusiness sector and we are looking forward to offering our solutions to US clients,” said Rafael Quintella, Managing Director, North America, Agrotools.  

"American agribusiness understands the need for production scalability, a characteristic similar to our own domestic market. In light of potential consolidation in the agribusiness marketplace, we are excited to explore this latest opportunity in North America,” said Sergio Rocha, CEO of Agrotools. “Agtech companies are generally small and lack management experience, but have good solutions and visionary leaders. However, due to the current credit crunch, many of them may not survive, resulting in a consolidation of the industry. Agrotools, with its 15+ years of experience, profitable business, and highly qualified team of 300 resources, can potentially become a leader in this situation by consolidating the market."


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About Agrotools

Agrotools is the largest digital platform for corporate agribusiness in the world. By offering a multitude of remote analyses, the platform allows the management of risks and opportunities in any operation with rural territories, from the granting of financial resources and rural insurance to the purchase of raw materials, as well as the sale of inputs, capital markets and retail.

Agtech has been operating in an agile and precise manner for almost 15 years with solutions for different links in the sector's chain: from cooperatives, traders, and reinsurers to food retail. Through its advanced technology platform, which analyzes more than 1300 layers of data from multiple sources, the company aims to democratize access to information in the sector, being a pillar of competitive differentiation and ESG compliance in the market. By providing powerful business and management insights, the platform allows corporate market agents to understand everything that happens with suppliers and customers spread across the rural territory and, thus, make the best decisions on a daily basis. Today, Agrotools analyzes more than 4.5 million rural territories through its platform. In addition, there are more than $10 billion in rural finance portfolios supported by at least one of the company's solutions and around $20 billion in monitored agribusiness operations.

