EDINBURGH, Scotland, July 27, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Blackford, the pioneering strategic imaging AI platform and solutions provider, and Lunit Inc, a chest Xray and mammography AI provider announce a partnership to make Lunit INSIGHT CXR, INSIGHT CXR Triage and INSIGHT MMG available on the Blackford Platform. Lunit’s AI applications will enable Blackford customers to detect cancer on chest radiographs and mammograms.
"Blackford is committed to delivering AI applications that broaden clinical and operational AI use cases and drive additional value for healthcare organizations and their patients,” said Blackford CEO Ben Panter. “We are excited to be further expanding our chest and breast screening AI portfolio with solutions from our latest partner, Lunit.”
Lunit INSIGHT CXR is a CADe diagnostic support AI tool that detects the 10 most common pathologies in a Chest X-ray with 97-99% accuracy.
The Lunit INSIGHT CXR Triage is a prioritisation software that utilises AI-based image analysis algorithms to identify and prioritise pre-specified critical findings on frontal chest X-rays.
Lunit INSIGHT MMG is a Computer-Assisted Detection/Diagnosis (CADe/x) software that assists physicians in the interpretation of mammograms.
"Driven by our commitment to advancing medical AI, Lunit is continuously expanding its application of AI solutions for the early detection of diseases," said Brandon Suh, CEO of Lunit. "We are thrilled to collaborate with Blackford, a pioneer in AI radiology, in order to make significant contributions to early cancer detection for patients."
About Lunit:
Lunit is a deep learning-based medical AI company on a mission to conquer cancer. Our focus is on developing AI solutions for precision diagnostics and therapeutics, ensuring the right diagnosis, and treatment, at the right cost for each patient. Lunit is devoted to developing advanced medical image analytics and AI-based biomarkers via cutting-edge technology.
After receiving FDA clearance and the CE Mark, our flagship Lunit INSIGHT suite is clinically used in approximately 2,000 hospitals and medical institutions across 40+ countries. Lunit is headquartered in Seoul, South Korea with offices and representatives worldwide.
For more information, please visit lunit.io
About Blackford:
Blackford are pioneers in the radiology AI space, with over a decade of experience working in partnership with leading hospitals and ground-breaking technology providers. We operate as a strategic AI partner, providing access to a tried-and-tested core platform, tailored services and a portfolio of 100+ applications to help healthcare providers unlock the value of AI and improve patient outcomes.
Our collaboration and recent arms-length acquisition by Bayer ensures that our customers and partners have the support and long-term security needed to underpin successful AI strategies.
To learn more about Blackford’s tailored approach to AI solutions visit www.blackfordanalysis.com, and follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn.
Blackford Media Contact:
Nick Cole, VP Marketing
Phone: +447812164790