Albany, New York, Aug. 02, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Election Systems & Software (ES&S) is pleased to announce the New York State Board of Elections (NYSBOE) certification of the ExpressVote XL Universal Voting System. This certification represents a significant milestone in enhancing the democratic process, ensuring secure and accessible voting for all New Yorkers.
“This decision marks a monumental step forward for the voters of New York,” said Tom Burt, ES&S President and CEO. “They now have access to the latest in secure voting technology, a testament to our commitment to providing secure and accessible voting solutions that empower voters and enhance the democratic process. We’re excited to bring this new technology which was built for New York to jurisdictions across New York.”
The ExpressVote XL displays the full-face ballot on a 32-inch interactive screen and uses touch-screen technology to produce an independent voter-verifiable paper ballot. Voters can review their selections and verify that their vote was recorded accurately before submitting for tabulation. The secure system eliminates marginal marks and the need for interpretation of the voter’s intent.
“We take immense pride in the accuracy, security and accessibility of our products and are thrilled to bring this technology to New York,” said Tim Hallett, ES&S Vice President of Certification. “This certification represents thousands of hours of development, programming and testing, including rigorous testing and evaluation by independent experts to validate its security and reliability. The system complies with stringent state and federal election regulations, ensuring that every vote cast using the ExpressVote XL is properly recorded and securely stored. We’re so proud to offer voters and election officials the accuracy, security and independence which comes with voting on the ExpressVote XL.”
The user-friendly and intuitive ExpressVote XL provides universal accessibility so that all voters – including those with a disability or those who speak a language other than English – can cast a secure, verifiable paper ballot.
“New York joins the growing list of states adopting this state-of-the-art voting technology, and we’re excited to bring this secure technology to the voters, allowing an equal, independent voice to all,” said Mac Beeson, ES&S Vice President of Sales. “With the ExpressVote XL, we are confident that New Yorkers will experience a more efficient and inclusive voting experience. Our first priority is to deliver on our vision of maintaining voter confidence and enhancing the voting experience here in New York.”
ABOUT ES&S: Election Systems & Software (ES&S) is the nation’s leading voting systems manufacturer. For more than 40 years, ES&S has been supporting elections by creating and providing secure, accurate and accessible voting equipment to jurisdictions across the country. Learn more about ES&S at and on Facebook at