LOS ANGELES, Aug. 03, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- MEF, a global industry association of network, cloud, security, and technology providers accelerating enterprise digital transformation, today announced availability of its Lifecycle Service Orchestration (LSO) Fergie release, MEF’s first LSO release to include new and broad support for buyer-seller operational APIs. Operational APIs enhance the user experience significantly by offering automated visibility and control over services thereby reducing the need for manual intervention from the service provider. By automating these processes, LSO Operational APIs streamline operations and foster a smoother journey for both service providers and their customers across supply chains.
Complementing the already broad range of LSO Business APIs, including pre-order, product order, product inventory trouble ticketing, and billing and settlement, MEF LSO Operational APIs empower service providers to seamlessly share key service lifecycle information with their customers, from the moment a service is ordered and provisioned to its eventual decommissioning. LSO Fergie introduces support between a buyer and seller for:
- Service ordering
- Service inventory
- Service performance monitoring, both historical and live streaming
Additionally, LSO Fergie introduces three new LSO Business APIs including product catalog, product offering availability discovery, and product pricing discovery which enable user-friendly visibility into partner offerings.
“Leading global service providers are implementing MEF LSO APIs because they offer an automated, standardized way for service providers to buy and sell services while maximizing return on their investment in interface development. The MEF LSO Fergie release broadens that value to include support for high value operational functionality on 'in-flight' services,” said Daniel Bar-Lev, Vice President Strategic Programs, MEF. “Market momentum for LSO APIs is strong and growing rapidly with more than 135 service providers in some stage of the adoption lifecycle – from interest through to production.”
MEF’s LSO suite of open, standards-based APIs, comprised of LSO Business APIs for products and LSO Operational APIs for services, will be extensively discussed at the upcoming LSO Global Summit taking place at MEF’s Global Network-as-a-Service Event (GNE) October 2-4, 2023, in Dallas, Texas. The LSO Global Summit is an innovative event that brings together leading service and technology providers from across the global automation ecosystem to accelerate adoption of LSO APIs and smart contracts. LSO Global Summit attendees will have the opportunity to engage in thought-provoking sessions led by MEF executives and other automation industry leaders.
MEF's State of the Industry Report, "Paradigm Shift – Automating Business Functions Between Service Providers" highlights the importance of standardized business and operational APIs in unlocking market opportunities for next-generation services. This report is essential reading for industry professionals seeking to stay ahead in automated network technologies. Download the report and companion slide deck here.
Additional information about the full suite of MEF LSO APIs and be found here. Visit the LSO Marketplace for access to the latest APIs and resources.
More information about GNE 2023 and the LSO Global Summit, or to register for the event, can be found on the GNE website. For sponsorship opportunities contact Lori Vachon, Director Global Events.
About MEF
MEF is a global industry association of network, cloud, security, and technology providers working together to accelerate enterprise digital transformation through a better-together ecosystem. MEF delivers service standards, LSO frameworks and APIs, and training and certification programs for services, technologies, APIs, and professionals. The MEF 3.0 Framework enables automated delivery of standardized Carrier Ethernet, IP, Optical Transport, SD-WAN, SASE, and other services across multiple provider networks. For more information and to hear the latest Executives at the Edge podcast visit MEF.net and follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter.
Media Contact:
Melissa Power