LOS ANGELES, Sept. 05, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Intratem, a leading provider of technology services, has announced a partnership with Carahsoft Technology Corp., The Trusted Government IT Solutions Provider®. Under the agreement, Carahsoft will serve as Intratem’s Public Sector distributor, making the company’s mobility management solutions available through Carahsoft’s reseller partners, NASA Solutions for Enterprise-Wide Procurement (SEWP) V, National Cooperative Purchasing Alliance (NCPA), E&I Cooperative Services Contract, OMNIA Partners contracts, and Information Technology Enterprise Solutions – Software 2 (ITES-SW2) contracts.
The partnership will combine Intratem's expertise in mobile technology services with Carahsoft's extensive Public Sector reach to offer comprehensive solutions for mobility lifecycle management, including device procurement, deployment, management, cost controls, and security.
"We are excited to partner with Carahsoft and its resellers to bring our technology services and solutions to the Public Sector," said Alex Dukhovny, EVP of Intratem. "With our combined experience and resources, we are confident that we can help Public Sector organizations navigate the complex landscape of mobility lifecycle management and provide them with the tools they need to succeed while reducing unnecessary spend."
Intratem’s customizable solutions allow Government agencies to leverage the latest advancements in cellular technology and their wireless benefits. Intratem works with customers’ current wireless carriers to handle mobility management, wireless costs, end user support, inventory, provisioning and more. Customers’ solutions are tailored to their unique needs, with Intratem delivering comprehensive, custom reporting; answering all mobility help desk questions; and securing vulnerable end points and sensitive data.
“Carahsoft is excited to add Intratem and their offerings to our solutions portfolio,” said Brandi Hiebert, Sales Manager for the Mobility Business Unit at Carahsoft. “We are eager to provide our Public Sector customers with the mobility management solutions they need in an increasingly mobile world. We look forward to working with Intratem and our resellers to help agencies develop mobile strategies for their technology initiatives.”
Intratem’s solutions are available through Carahsoft’s NASA SEWP contracts NNG15SC03B and NNG15SC27B; NCPA contract NCPA01-86; OMNIA Partners contract #R191902; ITES-SW2 contract W52P1J-20-D-0042; and E&I contract #EI00063~2021MA. For more information, contact the Intratem team at Carahsoft at (703) 871-8548 and Intratem@carahsoft.com.
Carahsoft’s Mobility Portfolio provides industry-leading, emerging technology solutions to help the Public Sector meet the rapidly changing needs of their organization. Our partners provide solutions for mobile collaboration and security as well as access management for devices, applications and data. Learn more about Carahsoft's Mobility solutions here.
About Intratem:
Intratem Mobility Lifecycle Management enables IT teams to offload mobility management, end-user, device, and carrier support, as well as reporting, procurement, staging, kitting and inventory management. Coupled with industry-leading expense reduction practices, we're able to become an organization's mobile MSP while lowering overall spend. With over 18 years of experience, Intratem is dedicated to delivering innovative and effective solutions to help clients thrive in today's ever-changing mobile technology landscape.
About Carahsoft:
Carahsoft Technology Corp. is The Trusted Government IT Solutions Provider®, supporting Public Sector organizations across Federal, State and Local Government agencies and Education and Healthcare markets. As the Master Government Aggregator® for our vendor partners, we deliver solutions for Cybersecurity, MultiCloud, DevSecOps, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Open Source, Customer Experience and Engagement, and more. Working with resellers, systems integrators and consultants, our sales and marketing teams provide industry leading IT products, services and training through hundreds of contract vehicles.
For more information, please visit www.intratem.com and www.carahsoft.com.
Mary Lange
(703) 230-7434