WORCESTER, Mass., Sept. 06, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Mass Megawatts Wind Power, Inc. (OTC: MMMW) announces progress on the use of our already disclosed solar tracker with concentrated solar power using Sterling Engine Technology. The most important innovation toward reducing the cost of electricity is related to the unique solar concentration section that works well with our already disclosed solar tracker. We have two patent pending versions of concentrated solar technology. One is related to additional output for photovoltaic cells and the other is related to concentration of heat to operate a Sterling engine to produce electricity.
The Concentrated Solar Sterling Engine innovation brings the best substantial cost saving improvements toward delivering solar generated electricity. The unique cost competitive solar concentration section using low-cost material generally used by canvas buildings are placed onto of the solar tracker platform works well with our solar tracker. It helps concentrate the solar rays onto the heat piston section of the Sterling Engine. The low-cost canvas material is already approved by structural engineers for buildings with the canvas like material having an expected life of 30 years,
In addition to the low-cost concentrator, the improved Sterling engine reduces the mechanical issues related to pistons and its applications. In the heat displacer and piston, a rectangular extension with the four walls comprises rollers to avoid the need for precision and avoiding friction when the parts are moving. The cost reduction related to the robust simplicity also reduce long term maintenance issues related to traditional piston technology.
A video on the home page of www.massmegawatts.com summarizes the previously disclosed patent pending solar tracker.
This press release contains forward-looking statements that could be affected by risks and uncertainties. Among the factors that could cause actual events to differ materially from those indicated herein are: the failure of Mass Megawatts Wind Power (MMMW), also known as Mass Megawatts Windpower, to achieve or maintain necessary zoning approvals with respect to the location of its power developments; the ability to remain competitive; to finance the marketing and sales of its electricity; general economic conditions; and other risk factors detailed in periodic reports filed by Mass Megawatts Wind Power (MMMW).