Sogeclair: Results for H1 2023

Blagnac, France, September 06th 2023 -5.35pm,
Montreal, Canada

Turnover= 72.6€M +7.4% (+7,0% at constants exchange rate and perimeter)
EBITDA(1) = 4.4€M (+94.2%)
Equity= 56.8€M during H1 2023 vs 57.1€M during H1 2022 (-0.6%)

SOGECLAIR, supplier of innovative solutions with high added value for a safer and less-consuming mobility announces today its financial results for the 1st half ended June 30th 2023.
On 07/12/2023, the company's listing on Euronext (Compartment C) was transferred to the Euronext Growth market for growth companies, with continued eligibility for the PEA-PME scheme. The company continues to present its accounts in accordance with IFRS, to produce a declaration of extra-financial performance and a half-yearly report.

The Board of Directors, meeting on September 04th 2023, closed the 1st semester accounts for 2023.
The limited examination procedures on the half-year accounts have been accomplished.


In €M

H1 2023

H1 2022

H1 2023 / H1 2022





2.3 +94.2%  

As % of turnover



Operating income



As % of turnover



Net result



Including group share



(1) Operating income – other operating income and charges + amortization expenses and operating provisions

Highlights of the period:

- Strong improvement in EBITDA profitability

- Change in corporate governance on 05/11/2023 with the appointment of Olivier Pedron as Chief Executive Officer, while Philippe Robardey remains Chairman of the Board of Directors.

- Investments have been made in the organization to make it more cross-functional in terms of digitalization, CSR, communication, legal affairs, purchasing, etc.

- Signature of a cooperation agreement with Nexter to jointly develop ground robots for the armed forces.

- On the commercial front:

  • A very dynamic Paris Air Show,
  • Winning of the Airbus JSO listing - engineering services activity - for a period of 5 years,
  • Receipt of Renault's large ROADS simulator,
  • New customers (Jet Aviation, Ascendance Flight).

- SOGECLAIR has strengthened its management in the USA and Canada to support the strong growth of its activities.

By geographical area:

  Europe Africa America Asia
Turnover 52.9 16.1 3.5
EBITDA 2.4 0.9 0.4
Operating income -0.1 0.4 0.3

Differences are due to the holding company and rounding

By Business Unit:

  Engineering BU Solutions
Conseil BU
Turnover 37.3 34.8 0.5
EBITDA 2.1 1.9 -0.2
Operating income 1.6 -0.8 -0.2

Differences are due to the holding company and rounding

In terms of operating income, the Solutions BU reported:

  • A clear improvement in North America (aircraft interior production),
  • Punctual charges to overhaul management and sales teams for automotive simulation.
  • Investments to support the ramp-up of commercial aviation.
  • Recruitment difficulties for production activities.


Markets are dynamic and the organization for the future is being put in place according to plan. Potential growth is strong and will depend on our ability to recruit new talent on all continents in a tense environment. Overall, for the year, business growth should at least continue and profitability will improve. The ONE SOGECLAIR plan to reach €250 million and 12% EBITDA by 2030 is thus confirmed.

Next announcement: turnover for Q3 2023, on October 31st 2023 after closing of the Stock Market

About Sogeclair
Supplier of innovative, high added-value solutions for safer and more efficient mobility, SOGECLAIR brings its skills in high-quality engineering and production to a broad range of cutting-edge sectors, notably aeronautics, space, vehicle, rail and defense. Supporting its customers and partners from the design and simulation stages through to the end of the product’s lifetime, all along the production chain through to entry into service, the collaborators are working worldwide to offer a high-quality, proximity service to all its customers.
SOGECLAIR is listed on Euronext Growth Paris - Indice Euronext® Family Business -Code ISIN: FR0000065864 / (Reuters SCLR.PA – Bloomberg SOG.FP)
Contacts: Philippe ROBARDEY, Chairman of the Board / Olivier PEDRON, Chief Executive Officer / +33(0)5 61 71 70 33
Press contact: Louise-Marie Thabard  / SOGECLAIR Communication / / +336 75 95 12 20



PR SOGECLAIR Results for H1 2023