SEATTLE, Sept. 20, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ThriftBooks Global, LLC, the world’s largest online independent used bookseller has announced that Mid-Continent Public Library and Las Vegas-Clark County Library District, have joined its Profit Share Program which will allow them to raise funds by selling pre-owned books on Through this exclusive profit-sharing partnership, libraries are able to use the funds raised to purchase new books for patrons to enjoy. Since starting the program in 2005, ThriftBooks has partnered with major libraries across the country in cities like New York, Chicago, Miami, and San Francisco.
Through the Profit Share Program, each partnership is specifically tailored to fit the library’s needs as they look for options for their weeded books. Libraries simply pack up their books. From there, ThriftBooks picks up the books, sells them, and then shares the profits of saleable books and media with the Library Partners.
This program helps libraries to create a sustainable revenue stream and libraries can then use funds to purchase new books to benefit their communities.
“ThriftBooks has a long and deep relationship with libraries across the country,” said Jamie Hurst, National Library Account Manager at ThriftBooks. “Our Profit Share Program with libraries allows us to extend our commitment to empower communities through literature. By partnering with libraries, we aim to strengthen their role as vital cultural hubs and enhance access to knowledge for patrons of all backgrounds. Together, we are building a future where libraries thrive and patrons flourish.”
“The Las Vegas-Clark County Library District Foundation’s partnership with ThriftBooks is in its first year, but it has been an impressive year in securing funds for our many programs through our partnership,” said Tamar Hoapili, Chair at the Las Vegas-Clark County Library District Foundation. “Funding received from ThriftBooks book sales are supporting the District’s Tutoring program, Books for Babies program, Career Online High School program, and STEM program to name a few. External partnerships like this assist our foundation in serving the needs of the community at all levels.”
The company’s first library partnership was with King County Library System in Washington, which is still partnered with ThriftBooks today. ThriftBooks believes in giving books a second life and through the Profit Share Program, the company continues to promote literacy, sustainability and community. Since its inception, ThriftBooks has sold more than 250 million books and saved over 9 million trees. Through its social responsibility initiatives, ThriftBooks has provided more than $100 million to charity partners and donates books and time to underserved communities to promote reading and its benefits.
“Our longstanding partnership with ThriftBooks provides KCLS the opportunity to give direct access to books and other resources in some of our area’s most vulnerable and underserved populations: older adults, unhoused populations, and immigrant and refugee communities – just to name a few,” said Lisa Yamasaki, Executive Director at King County Library System Foundation. “Recently, the success from theThriftBooks library Profit Share Program enabled KCLS to help displaced Ukrainians preserve, maintain, and safeguard their language and heritage through a grant-provided Ukrainian book collection.”
To learn how to sell books to ThriftBooks through its Profit Share Program, visit
About ThriftBooks
ThriftBooks Global LLC is the world’s largest independent online seller of used books, having sold more than 250 million used books since its inception. Founded in Seattle in 2003, ThriftBooks operates multiple processing centers throughout the US that purchase, grade, and distribute used and rare/collectible books. ThriftBooks sells across a variety of online platforms, including, Amazon, eBay, Walmart, Etsy, and others. provides a best-in-class e-commerce shopping experience, as evidenced by its 2023 Best Online Shops recognition, its Best Customer Service award six years in a row, and its 5-star Trustpilot score with more than 1.4 million customer reviews. Customers who shop at enjoy everyday low prices and can earn free books through the company’s much loved loyalty program, ReadingRewards.