Dublin, Oct. 25, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "Action Centred Leadership" conference has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering.
This Action Centred Leadership (ACL) programme is designed to develop the true leadership skills required by those who need to mobilise others to deliver exceptional results in their organisations. That means it is designed to develop the leadership abilities needed to:
- Build organisational visions, deliver transformational change, provide direction and inspire, motivate and support teams and individuals striving to deliver exceptional outcomes
- Support the growth of individuals to enable them to fully utilise their talents to achieve personal ambitions and aspirations and find the right work/life balance
- Develop organisational capabilities to produce high quality products and deliver exceptional services to create extraordinary experiences for customers and other stakeholders
- Create a culture where people feel empowered and take great pride in their work
- Connect people and facilitate teamwork where people respect each other and where relationships are critical to organisational success and personal wellbeing
- Create an environment where challenges are turned into value-enhancing opportunities
The intensive course is based on John Adair's Action Centred Leadership model which is widely used across the world in all sectors of commerce, industry, emergency services, hospitals, armed forces, governments and charitable organisations. Over more than 50 years, one million managers have been trained using ACL - and it's more popular today than it has ever been.
Aim of the Course
The course will aim to develop:
- An awareness of the three areas of overlapping needs present in all working groups: the needs of the common Task, the needs of the Team, and the needs of each Individual team member
- An understanding of the leadership behaviours required to be an effective leader; the ability to recognise leadership behaviours when they are observed and the capability to determine what leadership behaviours are appropriate in any given situation
- An opportunity, through assessment and feedback, to develop insights into current skills in order to create a pathway to becoming a more effective leader
- A clear idea how new leadership skills may be applied in the workplace to improve team performance and deliver exceptional outcomes
Learning Objectives
By the end of the programme, you will be able to:
- Define leadership and contrast leadership and management
- Outline a range of leadership styles and demonstrate your own preferred style
- Describe the three areas of overlapping needs that are present in all working groups
- List the functions a leader is required to perform to address group needs, successfully
- Demonstrate an ability to determine the appropriate style and functions required in any situation and to recognise leadership functions when they are being deployed
- Demonstrate the skills to effectively perform the appropriate leadership functions
- Explain how leadership skills can be applied in the workplace
On successful completion of this course, you will be awarded Certificate of Achievement bearing the signatures from the Trainer and the Organizer. This Certificate will testify your endeavour and serve towards your professional advancement.
Who Should Attend:
Everyone whose role requires him or her to take responsibility for achieving a result through a team of people. This includes senior executives, middle managers, first line managers, team leaders, supervisors, superintendents and functional managers, at all levels in all sectors.
Day One
Session 1: Introductory session
- The programme for the day
- Personal introductions
- Access to course material
- Support and follow up
Session 2: Management v. Leadership
- Exercise: comparing and contrasting the functions of management and leadership
- Exercise: completing a task without a designated leader, the Playing Cards exercise
- How to deal with failure
- Case study: comparing how airlines and healthcare systems deal with failure
- Leadership and management, the differences
Session 3: Emotional Intelligence
- Accounting for the differences between management and leadership
- The theory of multiple intelligence
- Defining emotional intelligence and emotional intelligence competencies
- Exercise: improving your ability to describe your emotions
Session 4: Non-Verbal Communications
- Exercise: improving your ability to understand the emotions of others through non-verbal communications
- The role of tone of voice in the communications process
- Exercise: assessing and analysing your own emotional intelligence
Session 5: the Business Case for Investing in Leadership Development
- Exercise: identifying the results to expect from better leadership
- What managers need to do differently to become effective leaders
- Exercise: leadership practise, the Jigsaw Puzzle exercise
Session 6: Action Centred Leadership (ACL)
- Exploring why we need leadership, the focus on tasks, teams and teams
- The origins and development of ACL
- The structure of the ACL Model, the Borromean Rings and the relationship of the three focuses
- Exercise: constructing the Borromean Rings
- Leadership functions and the leadership process
Day Two
Session 7: Leadership Styles
- Leadership styles and the need to match style with situation
- Assessments of leadership style: what is your natural style?
- Theory 'X' management and Theory 'Y' management and self-fulfilling prophecies
Session 8: Working in Teams
- Concern for teams and group dynamics
- Exercise: working in large groups, the Solve the Murder exercise
- Constructing an effective team
- Exercise: what role do you typically play in a team? Belbin team roles
- The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team, the Lencioni Model
- Exercise: addressing the 5 Dysfunctions
- Why do people form teams and join groups?
- Exercise: how open are you? The Johari Window
- How to reduce your facade
- Exercise: using Aron's 36 Questions to reduce facade
Session 9: Leadership Competency
- A typical example of leadership training and development
- Exercise: defining the task function, how the response of a person with a management mindset differs to that of a person with a leadership mindset
- Exercise: leadership practice, the Wordbuild exercise
Session 10: Motivation
- The need for encouragement, the wisdom of geese
- Exercise: motivation function
- Exercise: defining 'motivation at work'
- Defining 'motivation'
Session 11: Some Myths about Motivation
- The power of money, a Daniel Pink perspective
- Using alternative approaches to create high-performing teams
- Turning motivational theory into practical leadership actions
- Exercise: leadership practise, the dominoes challenge
Session 12: Leadership and Motivation
- How leaders motivate individuals
- How organisations provide a motivating environment
- Examples of best practice
- Exercise: the table shooter exercise
Session 13: Setting an Example - Best Practice
- Practise self-leadership to set an example
- Exercise: planning how to set an example back at the workplace and presenting it to colleagues
- Exercise: leadership practise, bringing it all together, the Build the Tower exercise
Session 14: Action Planning & Follow-up
- Transferring learning to the workplace
- Your message to your team following the course
- Sources of further information
- The final message
Wrap-up of the 2-day Training
For more information about this conference visit https://www.researchandmarkets.com/r/iwmucz
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