2. november 2023
Meddelelse nr. 43
Forløb af ekstraordinær generalforsamling i Pharma Equity Group A/S
Pharma Equity Group A/S afholdte i dag ekstraordinær generalforsamling, hvor følgende punkter blev vedtaget:
1) Advokat Martin Allan Christensen fra Accura Advokatpartnerselskab blev valgt som dirigent på den ekstraordinære generalforsamling.
2) Følgende nye kandidater blev valgt til bestyrelsen: (i) Omar S. Qandeel og (ii) Martin Engell-Rossen.
Bestyrelsen konstituerede sig umiddelbart herefter med Christian Vinding Thomsen som formand for bestyrelsen og Martin Engell-Rossen som næstformand for bestyrelsen.
Bestyrelsen består herefter af Christian Vinding Thomsen (formand), Martin Engell-Rossen (næstformand), Omar S. Qandeel, Lars Gundorph og Peter Vilmann.
For yderligere information, kontakt venligst:
Thomas Kaas Selsø, adm. direktør i Pharma Equity Group A/S, telefon: +45 40 22 21 14
Christian Vinding Thomsen, bestyrelsesformand i Pharma Equity Group A/S, telefon: +45 2622 7222
About Pharma Equity Group A/S
Pharma Equity Group, a listed company on the Nasdaq Copenhagen stock exchange, is fully dedicated to advancing the medical projects of its subsidiary, Reponex Pharmaceuticals A/S. With an unwavering focus on healthcare, Pharma Equity Group's primary objective is to bring significant value to Reponex Pharmaceuticals' medical projects.
The company is committed to providing extensive support, resources, and expertise to drive the development and success of these projects. As a strategic partner, Pharma Equity Group works closely with Reponex Pharmaceuticals, prioritizing the advancement of innovative medical solutions and breakthrough therapies. Every effort is currently directed towards ensuring the utmost success and impact of Reponex Pharmaceuticals' medical projects, with an unwavering dedication to improving global healthcare outcomes. Only when the full potential of Reponex Pharmaceuticals has been unfolded is the intention to explore opportunities to invest in other companies. This approach ensures a strong commitment to the current medical projects and their development, while – on the longer term – remaining open to new strategic investments for continuous growth.
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