Europe Indoor Farming Market Forecast Report to 2028 - Market Estimates a CAGR of 8.38% from 2023 to 2028

Dublin, Dec. 15, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "Europe Indoor Farming Market Forecasts from 2023 to 2028" report has been added to's offering.

The Europe indoor farming market is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 8.38% to reach US$15. 4 billion in 2028 from US$8.79 billion in 2021.

The expanding market can be attributed to Europe's shifting climate situation. Crop output is negatively impacted by weather and temperature changes in European regions. These factors are enhancing indoor farming's popularity throughout Europe. Further, several aggrotech businesses are implementing indoor farming techniques to mitigate the difficulties that climate change presents for crops.

Market Restraints

The high installation costs associated with indoor farming in comparison with traditional outside farming are anticipated to restrain market expansion. According to a study, growing greens outdoors traditionally costs USD 0.65/Ib. But the prices for container farms, vertical farms, and hydroponic greenhouses are, respectively, around USD 2.33/Ib, USD 3.07/Ib, and USD 7.14/Ib. Greens are expensive to cultivate indoors because they need sophisticated irrigation and lighting systems, among other equipment. In addition, these indoor-farmed greens have higher retail costs than those grown outdoors. Thus, it is anticipated that all of these factors will impede market expansion.

Emerging Technological Development in Agriculture Sector

New trends in agriculture are developing to keep up with technological improvements as the indoor farming business is expanding in Europe. Next-generation vertical farms, which use high-tech techniques to produce high-quality and quantity of crops all year long, are one of the newest trends. For instance, the "NextGen of super-efficient in-store vertical farms" was introduced and developed in 2021 by Sweetgreen, a firm that works in the vertical farming sector using a digitally based in-store service.

Moreover, automation and digitization minimize time, cut costs associated with distribution and the environment, boost output, and standardize high quality. Additionally, several Agri-tech companies in Europe are making investments in aquaponics farms as they protect against illnesses that are spread by soil that affect plants and fish. For instance, Les Nouvelles Fermis, a startup in urban agriculture, raised USD 2.36 million in April 2021 to construct urban aquaponics farms throughout Europe. For indoor farmers, aquaponics systems are a desirable option since they provide a continuous and dependable source of fresh fruit and vegetables regardless of the weather.

European greenhouse farming industry

The European greenhouse farming industry is dealing with a trend that adapts to shifting customer expectations in a world where prosperity is rising. The first countries to employ improved greenhouse techniques were those in Europe as per the European Commission, especially those with extensive greenhouse production, including Spain, Italy, and the Netherlands.

Since there is such a large demand for fruits and vegetables due to urbanization and rapid technological improvements. For instance, as per the Barcelona Field Studies Centre, Spain has 46, 000 hectares of greenhouse production space, followed by Italy with 25, 000 hectares, France with 9, 500 hectares, and Greece with 3, 800 hectares in Europe.

The United Kingdom is an Expected Dominant Market

The United Kingdom's indoor farming market has experienced significant growth in recent years due to various factors. Firstly, the limited availability of arable land in the country, especially in urban areas, has led to increased interest in alternative farming methods that can maximize space utilization. Indoor farming allows for vertical stacking of plants and efficient use of land, making it particularly suitable for urban environments with limited space. For instance, as shown in the figure below, United Kingdom has witnessed a decrease in the availability of arable land which results in the growth of indoor farming market.

Secondly, indoor farming provides greater control over the growing conditions, including temperature, light, humidity, and nutrient levels. This control enables farmers to optimize plant growth and tailor conditions to specific crops, resulting in higher yields and superior product quality. Additionally, the controlled environment minimizes the risks of pests, diseases, and adverse weather conditions, leading to more predictable and reliable harvests.

Government initiatives and funding support have also played a role in the growth of the indoor farming market. The United Kingdom has recognized the potential of indoor farming to enhance food security, reduce reliance on imports, and promote sustainable agricultural practices. As a result, there have been investments in research and development, as well as collaborations between academic institutions, industry stakeholders, and policymakers to further advance the indoor farming sector.

Market Segmentation Overview Insight by Growing System, Component, Facility Type, and Crop Type

  • By Growing System: The market is segmented into Hydroponics, Aeroponics, Aquaponics, Soil-based, and Hybrid systems.
  • By Component: Analysis includes Hardware, Software, and Services.
  • By Facility Type: Categorization includes Glass or Poly Greenhouses, Indoor Vertical Farms, Container Farms, and Indoor DWC Systems.
  • By Crop Type: Segmentation covers Fruits and Vegetables, Herbs and Microgreens, Flowers and Ornamentals, among other categories.
  • By Country: Comprehensive analysis for the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, and other pivotal regions.

Company Profiles

  • Stenon
  • Plantix
  • Champerche
  • Agricool
  • Ynsect
  • Medicinal Agricultural Cannabis Solution
  • Buoono
  • Groots
  • Growing Underground

Key Attributes:

Report AttributeDetails
No. of Pages100
Forecast Period2021 - 2028
Estimated Market Value (USD) in 2021$8798.41 Million
Forecasted Market Value (USD) by 2028$15458.52 Million
Compound Annual Growth Rate8.3%
Regions CoveredEurope

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European Indoor Farming Market
