Exploring the Growth Trajectory and Benefits of Mulch Films in Agriculture and Horticulture

Mulch Film Market Booms to $10.6 Billion! Struggling with weeds? Mulch films are your secret weapon! This booming market is expected to reach a whopping $10.6 billion by 2028.

Chicago, April 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The global mulch films market is expected to grow significantly, reaching a value of USD 10.6 billion by 2028, up from USD 7.8 billion in 2023, with a projected compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.5% during the forecast period. Mulch films, which are thin sheets typically made of plastic or other materials, serve various purposes in agriculture and horticulture, including weed suppression, moisture retention, and enhancing crop yields.

These films come in different colors, thicknesses, and materials, offering versatility in their applications. They can be crafted from materials like polyethylene, polypropylene, and even biodegradable substances such as paper and cornstarch. The primary function of mulch films is to create a protective barrier between the soil and the external environment. By blocking sunlight, they prevent weed seeds from germinating and growing, thus reducing the need for manual weeding.

Moreover, mulch films help in conserving soil moisture by preventing evaporation, potentially lowering irrigation requirements. Additionally, they aid in regulating soil temperature by trapping heat from sunlight, which can be advantageous for crops needing warmer conditions to thrive. With these benefits, mulch films play a crucial role in modern agricultural practices, contributing to improved crop quality and yield.

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Key Players

  • Berry Global Inc. (US)
  • BASF SE (Germany)
  • Dow (US)
  • Kuraray (Japan)
  • Exxon Mobil Corporation (US)
  • Plastika Kritis S.A. (Greece)
  • RKW Group (Germany)
  • Achilles Corporation (Japan)
  • Armando Alvarez Group (Spain)
  • Novamont S.p.A (Italy)

Mulch Films Market Drivers

  • Rising Demand for Greenhouse Applications: The mulch film market is witnessing a surge in demand driven by the increasing adoption of greenhouse applications in agriculture. Greenhouses offer controlled environments for year-round cultivation, protecting crops from adverse weather, pests, and diseases.
  • Growing Environmental Concerns: The heightened environmental concerns globally are contributing to the popularity of greenhouse farming. With a focus on sustainable agriculture and reducing the ecological footprint, there's a rising interest in eco-friendly farming practices.
  • Need for Increased Food Production: The need to feed a growing global population is pushing for enhanced food production. Greenhouses provide a means to achieve higher yields efficiently, thereby addressing food security concerns.
  • Promotion of Sustainable Agriculture: Mulch films play a crucial role in promoting sustainable agriculture practices by aiding in weed suppression, moisture retention, and temperature regulation. This aligns with broader efforts to minimize environmental impact and ensure the long-term viability of agricultural production.

EVA Segment Growth:

The EVA segment within the elements segment is anticipated to register the highest Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) during the forecast period. This growth is attributed to the increasing demand for efficient and sustainable farming practices, particularly in the agricultural and horticultural sectors. EVA (Ethylene Vinyl Acetate) has emerged as a preferred material for manufacturing mulch films due to its exceptional properties. These films offer various benefits such as moisture retention, weed suppression, temperature regulation, and soil protection, ultimately leading to higher crop yields and improved quality.

Horticulture Segment Driving Force:

In 2022, the horticulture segment emerged as a significant driving force in the mulch films market. This growth is propelled by the emphasis on sustainable and eco-friendly farming practices. Mulch films play a crucial role in conserving water, reducing the dependency on chemical herbicides and pesticides, and aligning with the broader goals of environmentally conscious agriculture. With consumers increasingly demanding organically grown and chemical-free produce, mulch films enable growers to meet these expectations, thereby fostering growth in the horticultural application.

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Benefits and Adaptability in Horticulture:

Mulch films contribute to reducing water consumption and labor costs while extending the growing season by maintaining optimal soil temperature. Their adaptability to various climatic conditions further solidifies their position in the horticulture segment. Particularly effective in regions with unpredictable weather patterns, mulch films provide protection against extreme temperatures, heavy rain, and frost, ensuring a more reliable and consistent harvest.

Mulch Films Market Regional Analysis

India is emerging as one of the fastest-growing market for mulch films in the Asia Pacific region. This surge in demand is attributed to various factors. Firstly, there is a heightened awareness among farmers regarding the advantages of mulch films, including improved crop yields, reduced water consumption, and effective weed suppression. Additionally, the increasing cultivation of high-value crops like fruits and vegetables, which are commonly mulched, is driving the demand further. Moreover, the Indian government's support through subsidies and incentives is encouraging the adoption of mulch films.

Several government agencies play a crucial role in promoting the use of mulch films. The Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, serving as the nodal agency for agriculture development, offers comprehensive information on mulch films and related government schemes on its website. Similarly, the National Horticulture Board (NHB), operating under the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, focuses on horticulture promotion and provides valuable insights into the benefits of mulch films for horticultural crops.

Despite the increasing adoption of mulch films, challenges persist. The cost of mulch films remains a significant hurdle, particularly for small-scale farmers. Additionally, the availability of mulch films in rural areas is often limited, posing logistical challenges. Overcoming these obstacles is essential to further stimulate growth in the mulch films market in India.

