Global Flavoured Milk Market Report 2024-2030: Chocolate, Powder, and Paper-based Packaging are the Lucrative Segments

Dublin, April 08, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "Flavoured Milk Market, Size, Global Forecast 2024-2030, Industry Trends, Share, Growth, Insight, Impact of Inflation, Company Analysis" report has been added to's offering.

The Global Flavoured Milk Market is predicted to be priced at around US$ 83.63 Billion by 2030. In today's world, flavoured milk is gaining importance as clients increasingly try to find handy but nutritious alternatives. With growing health recognition, flavoured milk provides a flavorful alternative to sugary beverages while delivering essential nutrients like calcium and protein. Its attraction spans demographics, from kids to adults, who appreciate the type of flavors available. Also, the convenience of ready-up-to-drink flavoured milk aligns with a busy existence. As a result, flavoured milk has emerged as a popular choice, reflecting evolving client options towards more healthy and exciting beverage alternatives.

Global Flavoured Milk Market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 7.18% between 2024 and 2030

The surge in the need for lactose-free products and practical beverages drives considerable growth within the market. As lactose intolerance becomes more prevalent and purchasers seek healthier options, flavoured milk gives a compelling solution. Its combination of attractive flavors and lactose-free formulations caters to a broader target market. Moreover, incorporating purposeful ingredients like vitamins, probiotics, and plant-based additives enhances its enchantment as a nutritious beverage. This convergence of fitness-conscious trends fuels increasing the global flavored milk market.

Moreover, the availability of low-sugar and fat-free varieties of flavoured milk products is expected to result in an increased diabetic and health-conscious population during the forecast period. Flavoured milk has better muscle-building protein than juices and sodas. Also, chocolate milk has a better combination of carbohydrates and protein, which makes it suitable for post-exercise recovery. This makes flavored milk a better post-exercise drink. These factors are expected to increase the demand for flavored milk in India, propelling the market's growth during the forecast period.

Developing countries like India and China, with growing economies, are increasing the per capita income of the working class. This is expected to positively affect the worldwide Flavored Milk Market, especially within the Asia Pacific region where these countries are located. Moreover, the flavored drink manufacturers are focused on making the product's packaging more convenient and attractive, especially for the younger population. They also incorporate innovation in their products by introducing organic flavored milk without artificial ingredients. The mixture of natural products and convenient packaging has increased the demand for flavored milk in the market. So, the global flavored milk market was US$ 51.47 Billion in 2023.

Long-lasting flavoured milk has the potential for growth in the global market

Long-life flavored milk is poised for considerable growth in the worldwide market. This is due to its convenience and prolonged shelf lifestyles. With a busy life, purchasers increasingly desire merchandise with extra extended storage skills while maintaining flavor and nutritional value. Long-life flavored milk satisfies this need by preserving freshness for a prolonged duration, making it suitable for stocking up at home or on-the-go consumption. Also, advancements in packaging technology make certain product integrity, similarly propelling the popularity of long-life flavored milk in the market.

Chocolate intends to maintain its popularity in the flavoured milk market

Chocolate-flavored milk is expected to stay famous in the flavored milk market. This is because of its timeless appeal and purchaser options. Renowned for its rich and lavish flavor, chocolate milk appeals to a vast demographic, such as children and adults. Its sweetness and familiarity make it a comforting and pleasant beverage preference. Further, chocolate milk offers nutritional benefits, including calcium and protein, improving its attractiveness as a beloved choice. Chocolate-flavored milk is anticipated to remain a standard in the global flavored milk market.

The powder segment is one of the fastest-growing global flavoured milk market segments

Powder packages might experience a speedy increase in the flavored milk market. This is due to its comfort, versatility, and extended shelf presence. Powdered formulations offer smooth storage, transportation, and preparation, appealing to customers looking for convenient beverage alternatives. Furthermore, powdered flavored milk may be custom-designed by individual preferences by adjusting the powder concentration to liquid, catering to varying tastes. Its longer shelf life additionally makes it suitable for stocking up at home. These elements contribute to the market's enormous boom of powdered flavored milk.

Paper-based packaging is one of the most commonly used forms of packaging in the flavoured milk market

Paper-based packaging is among the most broadly utilized in the market. This is because of its sustainability, versatility, and client appeal. As environmental issues mount, paper-based packaging aligns with the growing demand for eco-friendly options. Its recyclability and biodegradability make it an environmentally conscious preference. Also, advancements in paper packaging technology ensure the freshness and integrity of certain products while presenting attractive branding opportunities. With a rising emphasis on sustainable packaging solutions, paper-based packaging emerges as a preferred option in the flavored milk market, meeting client and enterprise demands.

Supermarkets and hypermarkets are among the popular choices for consumers in the flavoured milk market

Supermarkets and hypermarkets are among the preferred choices in the market. This is owed to their extensive product variety, comfort, and accessibility. These retail giants offer many flavored milk manufacturers and flavors under one roof, giving customers ample picks to fit their alternatives. Besides, supermarkets and hypermarkets regularly provide promotional offers and reductions, making flavored milk lower priced. With their widespread presence and handy purchasing experience, supermarkets and hypermarkets stay top destinations for flavored milk purchases.

The presence of countries such as India may add to the rise of the global market for flavoured milk

Asia-Pacific might continue to dominate the flavored milk market. This is because of a growing demand for healthier and more nutritious food options. India, the largest milk producer globally, contributes to this trend, leading to increased innovation and experimentation of flavors in flavored milk. The area's efficient dairy production methods have also impacted market growth. For instance, in India, in 2022, milk production grew from the previous year's 209.9 million metric tons to slightly above 221 million metric tons. Further, manufacturers cater to consumers' needs, such as low or no-sugar and fat-free options.

Key Players

Danone SA, Arla Foods, Saputo Inc., The Hershey Company, Fonterra Co-operative Group, Nestle SA, Meiji Holdings Co. Ltd, and Amul Industries Pvt Ltd are among the leading companies in the global flavored milk market.

In February 2022 - a2 Milk Co. and The Hershey Co. launched their new co-branded chocolate-flavored milk featuring a blend of natural and premium milk, providing taste and nutrition.

Type - Global Flavoured Milk Market breakup in 3 viewpoints:

1. Long-Life Flavoured Milk
2. Fresh Flavoured Milk
3. Other Flavoured Milk

Flavoured Type - Global Flavoured Milk Market breakup in 4 viewpoints:

1. Vanilla
2. Chocolate
3. Fruits
4. Others

Application - Global Flavoured Milk Market breakup in 4 viewpoints:

1. Powder
2. Premix
3. Fresh
4. Others

Packaging Type - Global Flavoured Milk Market breakup in 5 viewpoints:

1. Paper-based
2. Plastic-based
3. Glass-based
4. Metal-based
5. Others

Distribution Channel - Global Flavoured Milk Market breakup in 4 viewpoints:

1. Supermarkets and Hypermarkets
2. Specialty Stores
3. Convenience Stores
4. Others

All the Key players have been covered from 3 viewpoints:

1. Overview
2. Recent Developments
3. Revenue Analysis

Company Analysis:

1. Danone SA
2. Arla Foods
3. Saputo Inc.
4. The Hershey Company
5. Fonterra Co-operative Group
6. Nestle SA
7. Meiji Holdings Co. Ltd.
8. Amul Industries Pvt. Ltd.

Key Attributes

Report AttributeDetails
No. of Pages240
Forecast Period2023-2030
Estimated Market Value (USD) in 2023$51.47 Billion
Forecasted Market Value (USD) by 2030$83.63 Billion
Compound Annual Growth Rate7.1%
Regions CoveredGlobal

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Global Flavoured Milk Market
