UPCOMING ANNOUNCEMENT: Canadian innovation taking plant-protein nutrition to new heights

Toronto, Ont., April 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Wamame Foods, Apex Food Source, Crush Dynamics and AGT Food & Ingredients, with the support of Protein Industries Canada, will announce a project focused on a new line of plant-based, high-protein food products. The new products feature Canadian-grown and -processed ingredients, and offer protein content levels that exceed the protein-to-calorie ratio of the average American protein bar.

Media and other attendees will have the opportunity to sample Wamame’s existing product lines. This will include:

  • A high-protein pizza burrito with a better protein-to-calorie ratio than a protein bar; and
  • A smoked cheddar and sundried tomato egg bite with 25 g of protein per 180 calories.

The announcement will take place in-person on Monday, April 15, at 1 p.m. EST, at Rily Kitchen in Toronto (26 Sousa Mendes Ave.). Media unable to join in person may do so via Teams at https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/419d6978-8ce9-4526-94a3-86dc5def167e@c478d5f8-320d-44d2-afe4-4fd67a0a9165.

Media attending in person will have the opportunity to ask questions of the project partners following the announcement. 

