Heimar hf.: Completion of Sale of Five Properties

On October 4, 2024, Heimar hf. („Heimar“ or „the company“) announced that the company had accepted a purchase offer from Módelhús ehf. (“Módelhús”) for five properties.

Today, Heimar and Módelhús have signed purchase agreements for the properties. The properties will be transferred at the beginning of November.  

The properties in question are located at Eyrartröð 2a, Norðurhella 10, and Reykjavíkurvegur 74 in Hafnarfjörður, as well as Vatnagörðum 6 and Vatnagörðum 8 in Reykjavík. The total area of the properties is 8,962 square meters.

The total sale price for the properties is ISK 3,275 million, with an estimated profit from the sale of ISK 351 million. Current rental income from the properties amounts to approximately ISK 250 million annually. The sale proceeds will be used for investments in line with the company’s investment strategy.

Heimar’s advisor in this transaction is Íslandsbanki Corporate Advisory.

For further information, please contact Halldór Benjamín Þorbergsson at +354 821-0001