AS Tallinna Sadam operational volumes for Q4 and 2024 full year

In 2024 Q4, 1.9 million passengers and 3.4 million tons of cargo passed through the harbors of Tallinna Sadam. Compared to the same period of previous year, the number of passengers increased by 4.8% supported by Finnish lines and the cargo volume increased by 11.7%, most of it in dry bulk and containers. The number of vessel calls increased by 4.8% reaching 1857 calls. The number of passengers travelling between the Estonian mainland and the main islands increased by 4.3% and the number of vehicles increased by 6.0%. The utility rate of the icebreaker Botnica was 55% decreasing by 12 percentage points.

In 2024, more than 13 million tons of cargo and 8 million passengers passed through the harbors of Tallinna Sadam. The annual number of cargo volume increased by 4.4% and number of passengers 3.6%. The number of vessel calls increased by 1.4% to 7127 visits. The number of passengers between the Estonian mainland and the main islands increased by 2.1% and the number of vehicles by 3.6%. The number of charter days of the icebreaker Botnica decreased by 4.3%, the utility rate was 60%.

Valdo Kalm, the Chairman of the Management Board of Tallinn Port, commented on the results: "The fourth quarter has been positive in terms of operational volumes. Cargo flows have continued to increase, the total increase was 12%. Dry bulk, including grain and crushed stone, showed the largest growth among cargo types. Container and ro-ro volumes have also increased for several quarters in a row and show an increase in import-export. The number of cargo ship visits increased by 18.5%. The 5% increase in the number of passengers is also pleasing. For the first time after many years, we had an opportunity to welcome cruise passengers again at Christmas time. Both, the number of passengers and vehicles increased showing a good result in passenger ferry shipping."
"We consider the past year 2024 to be a success in terms of operational volumes. Recovery of cargo volumes is obvious, and the results have exceeded our expectations. The total number of passengers shows growth at a predicted level, and the number of visits by cruise ships has also increased," said Valdo Kalm.

The operational volumes of Tallinna Sadam group for 2024 Q4 and the full year are presented in the following table. The data for Q4 2024 is preliminary as at 9 January 2025. The final volumes for the period may be specified and will be published in the following financial report.

  Q4 2024 Q4 2023 change 2024 2023 change
Cargo volume by type of cargo (th tons) 3 409 3 052 11.7% 13 134 12 586 4.4%
Ro-ro 1 532 1 492 2.6% 6 571 6 406 2.6%
Liquid bulk 341 400 -14.7% 1 362 1 698 -19.8%
Dry bulk 839 595 41.0% 2 581 2 161 19.4%
Containers 563 473 18.9% 2 110 1 878 12.3%
in TEUs 71 033 58 850 20.7% 261 822 221 405 18.3%
General cargo 125 91 37.6% 487 418 16.4%
Non-marine 10 0 N/A 23 24 -6.3%
Number of passengers by routes (th) 1 857 1 771 4.8% 8 201 7 918 3.6%
Tallinn-Helsinki 1 675 1 596 5.0% 7 230 7 000 3.3%
Tallinn-Stockholm 118 125 -5.8% 563 537 4.8%
Muuga-Vuosaari 43 38 13.6% 201 170 18.0%
Cruise (traditional) 13 0 N/A 153 165 -7.1%
Other 8 12 -34.6% 53 45 17.5%
Number of vessel calls by vessel type 1 774 1 693 4.8% 7 127 7 026 1.4%
Cargo vessels 372 314 18.5% 1 435 1 380 4.0%
Passenger vessels (incl. Ro-Pax) 1 395 1 379 1.2% 5 585 5 548 0.7%
Cruise vessels (traditional) 7 0 N/A 107 98 9.2%
(Saaremaa and Hiiumaa lines)       
Number of trips 5 151 5 085 1.3% 23 179 22 972 0.9%
Number of passengers (th) 476 457 4.3% 2 462 2 411 2.1%
Number of vehicles (th) 245 231 6.0% 1 174 1 133 3.6%
Icebreaker Botnica       
Charter days 51 62 -17.7% 221 231 -4.3%
Utility rate (%) 55% 67% -17.7% 60% 63% -4.6%

*Ferry traffic volumes show the general demand for the service, but do not directly affect the financial results of the ferry segment, as the fee is fixed in the service contract regardless of the number of passengers and vehicles served.

More detailed statistics of passengers by nationality, gender and routes on monthly basis, can be viewed on the Tallinna Sadam web page:
We also publish quarterly key figures in xlsx format:
Detailed statistics on the number of passengers and vehicles on passenger ferries can be found here:

Tallinna Sadam is one of the largest cargo- and passenger port complexes in the Baltic Sea region. In addition to passenger and freight services, Tallinna Sadam group also operates in shipping business via its subsidiaries – OÜ TS Laevad provides ferry services between the Estonian mainland and the largest islands, and OÜ TS Shipping charters its multifunctional vessel Botnica for icebreaking and offshore services in Estonia and projects abroad. Tallinna Sadam group is also a shareholder of an associate AS Green Marine, which provides waste management services.

Additional information:

Angelika Annus
Head of Investor Relations
Tel. +372 5649 6230



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