Change in number of shares and votes in Aerocrine
31. März 2014 02:00 ET
Aerocrine AB
With reference to Chapter 4 Section 9 in ”lagen (1991:980) om handel med
finansiella instrument” it’s hereby announced that through the subscription by a
new share issue in Aerocrine the number of...
NICE (UK) will support the use of Fractional exhaled Nitric Oxide (FeNO) measurement in diagnosis and management of asthma.
21. März 2014 12:00 ET
Aerocrine AB
Solna (Sweden) – Aerocrine AB (OMX Nordic Exchange: AERO) today announced that
NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) has notified
stakeholders that the final guidelines recommending...
NICE (UK) kommer rekommendera Fractional exhaled Nitric Oxide (FeNO)- mätning för diagnos och behandling av astma
21. März 2014 12:00 ET
Aerocrine AB
Solna, 21 mars, 2014 – Aerocrine AB (OMX Nordic Exchange: AERO) meddelar idag
att NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) kommer informera
sina intressenter om att de i april...
Aerocrine: Uppdatering gällande försäkringsbolags kostnadsersättning för FeNO-tester i USA
19. März 2014 11:45 ET
Aerocrine AB
SOLNA, Sverige, 19 mars, 2014 – Aerocrine AB (OMX Nordic Exchange: AERO)
meddelar att amerikanska sjukförsäkringsbolaget Health Care Service Corporation
(HCSC) börjar kostnadsersätta FeNO-tester för...
Aerocrine Provides Update on Insurance Coverage of FeNO test in US.
19. März 2014 11:45 ET
Aerocrine AB
SOLNA, Sweden - 19 March, 2014 - Aerocrine AB (OMX Nordic Exchange: AERO)
announces that Health Care Service Corporation will begin covering FeNO testing
for asthma diagnosis and management effective...
Year-end report 2013
20. Februar 2014 02:00 ET
Aerocrine AB
Global sales demonstrate mixed results. US grows year over year and commercial
approach being adjusted and refocused to optimize results.
January – December 2013
Global Net sales decreased by 7%...
Bokslutskommuniké 2013
20. Februar 2014 02:00 ET
Aerocrine AB
Globala nettoomsättningen visar skiftande resultat medan USA växer under 2013.
Kommersiella strategin i USA justeras för framtida resultatoptimering.
Januari – december 2013
Aerocrine ingår distributionsavtal med Healthcare 21 för Storbritannien och Irland
17. Januar 2014 02:00 ET
Aerocrine AB
Solna – 17 januari 2014 – Aerocrine AB (OMX Nordic Exchange: AERO) meddelar idag
att man har slutit ett exklusivt distributionsavtal med Healthcare 21, ett
brittisk-irländskt bolag som arbetar med...
Aerocrine signs UK & Irish partnership deal with Healthcare 21.
17. Januar 2014 02:00 ET
Aerocrine AB
Solna (Sweden) – January 17, 2014 – Aerocrine AB (OMX Nordic Exchange: AERO)
today announces the signing of an exclusive agreement with UK & Irish medical
device company Healthcare 21 Ltd for sales,...
Change in number of shares and votes in Aerocrine
02. Januar 2014 05:03 ET
Aerocrine AB
With reference to Chapter 4 Section 9 in ”lagen (1991:980) om handel med
finansiella instrument” it’s hereby announced that through the subscription by a
new share issue in Aerocrine the number of...