Amper Music籌資400萬美元以推動人工智能編曲技術的發展
22. März 2018 19:53 ET
Amper Music
紐約, March 23, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Amper Music是環球首家人工智能編曲、表演和製作公司,使用戶能夠即時創作和訂製原創音樂,不需要任何音樂經驗。該公司今天宣佈已經在種子輪額外籌資400萬美元,這輪融資由Horizons Ventures牽頭, Two Sigma Ventures、Advancit Capital、Foundry...
Amper Music融资400万美元以推动人工智能编曲技术的发展
22. März 2018 19:53 ET
Amper Music
纽约, March 23, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Amper Music是全球首家人工智能编曲、表演和制作公司,使用户能够即时创作和定制原创音乐,而不需要任何先前音乐经验;该公司今天宣布其已经在种子轮另外筹得400万美元。该轮融资由Horizons Ventures领投, Two Sigma Ventures、Advancit Capital、Foundry...
Amper Music Raises $4M to Fuel Growth of Artificial Intelligence Music Composition Technology
22. März 2018 04:02 ET
Amper Music
NEW YORK, March 22, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Amper Music, the world’s first artificial intelligence (AI) music composer, performer, and producer that lets you instantly create and customize original...
Amper Panel for Adobe Premiere Pro CC Allows Video Creators to Compose Original Music Through Artificial Intelligence
20. März 2017 09:00 ET
Amper Music
NEW YORK, March 20, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Amper Music - the artificial intelligence solution for original music composition - empowers video content creators to produce original music for...
Amper Music Raises $4M to Launch the First Artificial Intelligence Music Composition Technology for Professionals
02. März 2017 17:21 ET
Amper Music
NEW YORK, March 02, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Amper Music - the AI music composer, performer, and producer that lets you instantly create and customize original music without needing any prior music...