2007. aasta 3. kvartali aruanne
28. November 2007 10:10 ET | BIGBANK
2007. aasta kolmandas kvartalis alustas Balti Investeeringute Grupi Pank AS tegevust Leedu turul, 27. augustil avati Leedus ettevõtte esimene filiaal. Ettevõtte juhtkonna hinnangul...
Public Quarterly Report Q3 2007
28. November 2007 10:10 ET | BIGBANK
In the 3rd quarter of 2007, Balti Investeeringute Grupi Bank AS commenced activity on Lithuanian market, the first branch of the company was opened in Lithuania on August 27. The...
BIG's first credit rating by Moody's
20. November 2007 07:32 ET | BIGBANK
International rating agency Moody´s Investors Service (Moody's) today assigned the first credit rating to Balti Investeeringute Grupi Pank AS (BIG). Financial strength rating of E+ was assigned...
Moody's omistas esmakordselt BIGle krediidireitingu
20. November 2007 07:32 ET | BIGBANK
Rahvusvaheline reitinguagentuur Moody's omistas täna, 19. novembril esmakordselt Balti Investeeringute Grupi Pank ASile (BIG) krediidireitingu. BIGi finantstugevuse reitinguks...
BIG's first credit rating by Moody's
20. November 2007 07:19 ET | BIGBANK
International rating agency Moody´s Investors Service (Moody's) today assigned the first credit rating to Balti Investeeringute Grupi Pank AS (BIG). Financial strength rating of E+ was assigned...
Moody's omistas esmakordselt BIGle krediidireitingu
20. November 2007 07:19 ET | BIGBANK
Rahvusvaheline reitinguagentuur Moody's omistas täna, 19. novembril esmakordselt Balti Investeeringute Grupi Pank ASile (BIG) krediidireitingu. BIGi finantstugevuse reitinguks...
BIG Issued Bonds in the amount of 20 million Euros.
16. Oktober 2007 03:08 ET | BIGBANK
Balti Investeeringute Grupi Pank AS (BIG) issued bonds for a total amount of Euro 20 million (313 million kroons) in the course of private placement. The maturity date of the issued bonds is March...
BIG emiteeris 20 miljoni euro väärtuses võlakirju
16. Oktober 2007 03:08 ET | BIGBANK
Balti Investeeringute Grupi Pank AS (BIG) väljastas suunatud emissiooni käigus kokku 20 miljoni euro (313 miljoni krooni) väärtuses võlakirju, mille lunastamistähtaeg on 31. märts 2011. Käesolev...
BIG's Lithuanian branch started operations
27. September 2007 06:30 ET | BIGBANK
On September 27, Balti Investeeringute Grupi Pank AS (BIG) opened its Lithuanian branch; the branch offers loan services in the Lithuanian market under the trademark BIGBANK. ...
BIGi Leedu filiaal alustas tegevust
27. September 2007 06:30 ET | BIGBANK
Balti Investeeringute Grupi Pank (BIG) avas neljapäeval (27. septembril 2007) oma Leedu filiaali, mis hakkab kaubamärgi „BIGBANK“ all pakkuma laenuteenuseid Leedu turul. ...