Antóin O'Sullivan
Les scientifiques de CAST comprennent mieux comment protéger les habitats d’eau froide de l’espèce menacée que constitue le saumon sauvage de l’Atlantique
16. April 2019 11:54 ET | Collaboration for Atlantic Salmon Tomorrow
FREDERICTON, Nouveau-Brunswick, 16 avr. 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Antóin O’Sullivan, étudiant de doctorat de l’Université du Nouveau-Brunswick, étudie les interactions complexes entre les...
Antóin O'Sullivan
CAST Scientists Gain Better Understanding of How to Protect Cold Water Habitat for Threatened Wild Atlantic Salmon
16. April 2019 11:54 ET | Collaboration for Atlantic Salmon Tomorrow
FREDERICTON, New Brunswick, April 16, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- A new study led by Antóin O’Sullivan, a PhD student at the University of New Brunswick, works to unravel the complex interactions...
Dr Kyle Wellband
Des scientifiques de CAST publiés à l’échelle internationale dans le cadre de la plus grande étude génétique sur le saumon sauvage en Amérique du Nord
04. April 2019 15:02 ET | Collaboration for Atlantic Salmon Tomorrow
SOUTH ESK, Nouveau-Brunswick, 04 avr. 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- L’équipe scientifique de CAST (Collaboration for Atlantic Salmon Tomorrow) composée de six scientifiques a récemment achevé la plus...
Dr. Kyle Wellband
CAST Scientists Internationally Published for Largest Genetic Study in North America on Wild Salmon
04. April 2019 15:02 ET | Collaboration for Atlantic Salmon Tomorrow
SOUTH ESK, New Brunswick, April 04, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The CAST (Collaboration for Atlantic Salmon Tomorrow) team of six scientists recently completed the largest study of wild Atlantic salmon...
CAST logo final_V1.png
If you care about the Atlantic Salmon, we need your help
13. Oktober 2018 07:00 ET | Collaboration for Atlantic Salmon Tomorrow
SAINT JOHN, New Brunswick, Oct. 13, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- We are witnessing the extinction of the Atlantic salmon from the Miramichi River in slow motion as bureaucrats in the Moncton office of...