DATAllegro Named Among Top 200 Private Technology Companies
23. Mai 2008 08:00 ET
ALISO VIEJO, Calif., May 23, 2008 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- DATAllegro, supplier of the most advanced data warehouse appliance on an enterprise-class platform, today announced its placement on Nollenberger...
DATAllegro Announces Series D Funding
01. Mai 2008 08:00 ET
ALISO VIEJO, Calif., May 1, 2008 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- DATAllegro, supplier of the most advanced data warehouse appliance on an enterprise-class platform, today announced the closing of its "Series D"...
DATAllegro Enters the Blogosphere
11. April 2008 13:00 ET
ALISO VIEJO, Calif., April 11, 2008 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- DATAllegro, supplier of the most advanced data warehouse appliance on an enterprise-class platform, today announced the launch of its new blog,...
DATAllegro Releases New Software Version Within Data Warehouse Appliance
01. April 2008 08:00 ET
CHICAGO, April 1, 2008 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- Gartner BI Summit -- DATAllegro, supplier of the most advanced data warehouse appliance on an enterprise-class platform, today announced the release of its...
DATAllegro Offers Node-for-Node Trade-in to Teradata Users
18. März 2008 08:00 ET
ALISO VIEJO, Calif., March 18, 2008 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- DATAllegro, supplier of the most advanced data warehouse appliance on an enterprise-class platform, today announced that Teradata users can...
DATAllegro Announces New Utilities to Enable Easy Integration With and Migration From Teradata
19. Februar 2008 08:00 ET
LAS VEGAS, Feb. 19, 2008 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- DATAllegro(tm), the supplier of the most advanced data warehouse appliance on an enterprise-class platform, today announced a new set of utilities as part...
DATAllegro and Coffing Data Warehouse Announce Partnership and OEM Deal
14. Februar 2008 19:00 ET
ALISO VIEJO, Calif., Feb. 14, 2008 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- DATAllegro(tm), supplier of the most advanced data warehouse appliance on an enterprise-class platform, today announced a new partnership and OEM...
DATAllegro Receives Intelligent Enterprise 2008 'Editors' Choice' Award
14. Januar 2008 08:00 ET
ALISO VIEJO, Calif., Jan. 14, 2008 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- DATAllegro(tm), the supplier of the most advanced data warehouse appliance on an enterprise-class platform, today announced that it is named...
DATAllegro Announces 330 Percent Growth While Continuing Rapid Innovation
25. Oktober 2007 08:00 ET
ALISO VIEJO, Calif., Oct. 25, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- DATAllegro(tm), supplier of the most advanced data warehouse appliance on an enterprise-class platform, announced the end of its 2007 fiscal year...
TDWI and DATAllegro to Host Webinar Focused On Advancements in the Data Warehouse Appliance Industry
13. September 2007 08:00 ET
ADVISORY, Sept. 13, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) --
WHAT: "The Next Generation of Data Warehouse Appliances,"
September 26, 2007, 12 P.M. EDT, hosted by The Data