Exel Composites Plc:
Exel Composites Plc: Flagging notification in accordance with the Finnish Securities Market Act Chapter 9 Section 5 regarding change in shareholdings
10. Februar 2017 11:15 ET | Exel Composites Oyj
EXEL COMPOSITES PLC      STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE   10 FEBRUARY 2017 at 18:15 EET Exel Composites Plc: Flagging notification in accordance with the Finnish...
Exel Composites Oyj:
Exel Composites Oyj: Arvopaperimarkkinalain 9 luvun 5 §:n mukainen liputusilmoitus omistusosuuden muutoksesta
10. Februar 2017 11:15 ET | Exel Composites Oyj
EXEL COMPOSITES OYJ          PÖRSSITIEDOTE          10.2.2017 klo 18:15 Exel Composites Oyj:...
Exel Composites Oyj:
Exel Composites Oyj:n 2016 tilinpäätöstiedotteen julkistaminen ja kutsu tiedotustilaisuuteen
07. Februar 2017 04:00 ET | Exel Composites Oyj
EXEL COMPOSITES OYJ          PÖRSSITIEDOTE          7.2.2017 klo 11.00 Exel Composites Oyj:n 2016...
Publication of Exel
Publication of Exel Composites Plc’s Financial Statements Release 2016 and invitation to results briefing
07. Februar 2017 04:00 ET | Exel Composites Oyj
EXEL COMPOSITES PLC      STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE     7 FEBRUARY 2017 at 11:00 EET Publication of Exel Composites Plc’s Financial Statements...
Exel Composites' Sha
Exel Composites' Shareholders' Nomination Board's proposal for composition and remuneration of the Board of Directors
24. Januar 2017 08:45 ET | Exel Composites Oyj
EXEL COMPOSITES PLC     STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE    24 JANUARY 2017 at 15:45 EET Exel Composites' Shareholders' Nomination Board's proposal for composition and...
Exel Compositesin os
Exel Compositesin osakkeenomistajien nimitystoimikunnan esitys hallituksen kokoonpanoksi ja palkitsemiseksi
24. Januar 2017 08:45 ET | Exel Composites Oyj
EXEL COMPOSITES OYJ                  PÖRSSITIEDOTE         ...
Australian Composite Walls ® flood defence system is being tested by Deltares, Netherlands
22. Dezember 2016 09:00 ET | Exel Composites Oyj
Australian Composite Walls  ® is a continuous, inter-locking composite wall system developed by Comtec in Australia using composite profiles by Exel Composites. The wall system is made up of...
Muutoksia Exel Compo
Muutoksia Exel Compositesin johtoryhmässä
02. Dezember 2016 06:15 ET | Exel Composites Oyj
EXEL COMPOSITES OYJ                 PÖRSSITIEDOTE          2.12.2016 klo...
Changes in Exel Comp
Changes in Exel Composites’ Group Management Team
02. Dezember 2016 06:15 ET | Exel Composites Oyj
EXEL COMPOSITES PLC     STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE    2 DECEMBER 2016 at 13:15 EET Changes in Exel Composites’ Group Management Team As of 1 January 2017...
Exel Composites' fin
Exel Composites' financial calendar and Annual General Meeting in 2017
08. November 2016 02:00 ET | Exel Composites Oyj
EXEL COMPOSITES PLC       STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE  8 November 2016 at 09:00 EET Exel Composites' financial calendar and Annual General Meeting in...