FinLocker App
FinLocker Announces Recession-Proof Ways For Loan Officers To Expand Their Mortgage Sales Database
13. Februar 2023 09:15 ET | FinLocker
ST. LOUIS, MO, Feb. 13, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The mortgage industry fluctuates from year to year. In 2021, the refinance share of originations was 58%, according to the Mortgage Bankers...
FinLocker Integrates
FinLocker Integrates With Total Expert To Power The Entire Homeownership Journey With Hyper-personalized Communications
08. Februar 2023 13:10 ET | FinLocker
ST. LOUIS, MO, Feb. 08, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- FinLocker, a pioneer in digital, consumer-permissioned personal financial fitness tools focused on homeownership, has completed an integration with...
FinLocker financial fitness app
FinLocker Creates Financial Fitness Apps for Family First Funding and MLB Residential Lending to Provide Consumers with a Path to Homeownership via Lenders One Walmart Branches
15. Dezember 2022 08:30 ET | FinLocker
ST. LOUIS, MO, Dec. 15, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- FinLocker has partnered with two community-focused mortgage lenders, Family First Funding and MLB Residential Lending, to create financial fitness...
FinLocker Study on t
FinLocker Study on the Financial Habits of Future Homebuyers
04. August 2022 12:11 ET | FinLocker
Atlanta, Aug. 04, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Younger generations have begun to dominate and shape the homebuying market. In 2022, the National Association of REALTORS® identified that 43% of...
FinLocker Releases W
FinLocker Releases Web v3.0 with Improved Ability to Accelerate Consumer Mortgage Readiness and Increase Conversion for Mortgage Lenders
27. April 2022 08:00 ET | FinLocker
ST. LOUIS, MO, April 27, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- FinLocker, a leader of digital, consumer-permissioned personal financial assistance tools that deliver hyper-personalized journeys, has released a...
FinLocker App
6 Tactics To Generate Mortgage Leads
22. Februar 2022 11:11 ET | FinLocker
St Louis, MO, Feb. 22, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Differentiating yourself from other mortgage originators to attract homebuyers can be challenging. Still, you can undoubtedly rise to the top with a...