Statement of the Board of Directors of Finnveden AB
15. November 2004 11:51 ET
VARNAMO, Sweden, Nov. 15, 2004 (PRIMEZONE) -- The Board of Directors of Finnveden AB ("Finnveden") has evaluated the public offer made to the shareholders of Finnveden of SEK 75 per share in cash...

Finnveden -- Interim Report January 1 -- September 30, 2004
28. Oktober 2004 02:30 ET
VARNAMO, Sweden, Oct. 28, 2004 (PRIMEZONE) -- Finnveden:
-- Net sales amounted to SEK 3,613 M (3,450) for the first nine months,
representing an 8% increase for comparable units. For the...

Finnveden: Invitation to Teleconference
21. Oktober 2004 09:37 ET
VARNAMO, Sweden, Oct. 21, 2004 (PRIMEZONE) -- Finnveden --
Media and analysts invited to teleconference in conjunction with Finnveden's Interim Report January - September 2004
Analysts and the...

Finnveden's Dependence on Steel Raw Materials
05. Oktober 2004 03:34 ET
VARNAMO, Sweden, Oct. 5, 2004 (PRIMEZONE) -- Rising steel prices and their effects on Finnveden have to an ever-increasing extent attracted the interest of the capital market recently. Against this...

Finnveden: Redemption of synthetic call options
16. August 2004 04:49 ET
VARNAMO, Sweden, Aug. 16, 2004 (PRIMEZONE) -- Within a month after the release of Finnveden's six-month interim report, the synthetic options allotted to five senior executives in the Group will be...

Finnveden Interim Report January 1 -- June 30, 2004
13. August 2004 03:15 ET
VARNAMO, Sweden, Aug. 13, 2004 (PRIMEZONE) -- Finnveden:
. Order bookings increased 14 % to SEK 2,708 M.
. Net sales amounted to SEK 2,544 M (2,429) for the first six months and to SEK 1,272 M...

Finnveden wins new business
09. August 2004 05:25 ET
VARNAMO, Sweden, Aug. 9, 2004 (PRIMEZONE) -- Finnveden's successes in the automotive industry continue. Several new contracts have been signed and combined with orders received earlier this year...

Finnveden Invitation to teleconference
05. August 2004 07:43 ET
VARNAMO, Sweden, Aug. 5, 2004 (PRIMEZONE) -- Media and analysts invited to teleconference in conjunction with Finnveden's Six-month Report for 2004
Analysts and the media are invited to a...

Annual General Meeting of Finnveden AB
28. April 2004 13:02 ET
VARNAMO, Sweden, April 28, 2004 (PRIMEZONE) -- At the Annual General Meeting of Finnveden AB on 28 April 2004, the following resolutions were adopted.
Election of Board of Directors
Tommy Boork,...

Finnveden Interim Report January 1 -- March 31, 2004
28. April 2004 06:04 ET
VARNAMO, Sweden, April 28, 2004 (PRIMEZONE) -- Finnveden:
. Net sales amounted to SEK 1,272 M (1,219), an increase of 4% compared with the corresponding period in the preceding year.
. Operating...