On changes in AS “GE Money Bank” Management Board
05. Juli 2010 02:28 ET | GE Money Bank
Supervisory council of AS “GE Money Bank” (the Bank) on June 1, 2010 resolved to elect: 1) Aleksandra Baranova as member of the Management Board of the Bank from June 1, 2010 until May 31, 2013 with...
Par izmaiņām AS “GE Money Bank” valdē
05. Juli 2010 02:28 ET | GE Money Bank
AS „GE Money Bank” Padome 2010. gada 1. jūnijā izlēma ievēlēt: 1) Aleksandru Baranovu par valdes locekli no 2010.gada 1.jūnija līdz 2013.gada 31.maijam ar tiesībām pārstāvēt sabiedrību kopā ar vēl...
AS “GE Money Bank” paziņos sešu mēnešu finanšu rezultātus augustā
18. Juni 2010 09:31 ET | GE Money Bank
AS “GE Money Bank” paziņos 2010. gada sešu mēnešu finanšu rezultātus šā gada 31. augustā. Papildu informācija: Tija Ezeriņa Head of Communication division GE Money Bank Latvia Ph.: +371...
AS “GE Money Bank” will announce its 6-month financial results in August
18. Juni 2010 09:31 ET | GE Money Bank
AS “GE Money Bank” will announce its 6 month financial results for the year 2010 on this year's August 31. Additional information: Tija Ezeriņa Head of Communication division GE Money Bank Latvia ...
Par AS “GE Money Bank” akcionāru ārkārtas sapulces lēmumiem
18. Juni 2010 09:27 ET | GE Money Bank
2010. gada 18. jūnijā plkst.12.00 tika slēgta AS „GE Money Bank (turpmāk tekstā - Banka) akcionāru ārkārtas sapulce, kurā tika izskatīti visi dienas kārtībā iekļautie jautājumi un pieņemti šādi...
On Resolutions of the Extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders of JSC “GE Money Bank”
18. Juni 2010 09:27 ET | GE Money Bank
On 25 March 2009 at 12.00 an ordinary AS GE Money Bank shareholders' extraordinary meeting was closed, all agenda items were reviewed during the meeting and the following resolutions were made: On...
AS "GE Money Bank" Q1 2010 financial report
28. Mai 2010 09:12 ET | GE Money Bank
The principle strategic direction of the Bank during 2010 is to continue to manage through the current economic cycle thus ensuring the Bank's security and stability. Therefore our focus is high...
AS "GE Money Bank" 2010.gada 1.ceturkšņa finanšu pārskats
28. Mai 2010 09:12 ET | GE Money Bank
Būtiskākais stratēģiskais Bankas virziens 2010. gadā ir turpināt virzīt uzņēmumu caur pašreizējo ekonomisko ciklu, tādējādi nodrošinot Bankas drošību un stabilitāti. Tādēļ mēs turpinām koncentrēties...
On the Extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders of JSC “GE Money Bank”
26. Mai 2010 02:09 ET | GE Money Bank
According to requirements of the Commercial Law, and considering the application of the Bank's shareholder “FINSTAR BALTIC INVESTMENTS”, as well as Bank's board resolution Nr.15/2, extraordinary...
Par AS “GE Money Bank” akcionāru ārkārtas sapulces sasaukšanu
26. Mai 2010 02:09 ET | GE Money Bank
Ievērojot Komerclikumu, kā arī pamatojoties uz AS “GE Money Bank” (turpmāk tekstā Banka) akcionāra SIA “Finstar Baltic Investments” iesniegumu par ārkārtas akcionāru sapulces sasaukšanu un Bankas...