IBS säkerställer finansiering
22. Oktober 2010 02:45 ET | IBS AB
IBS säkerställer finansiering IBS har tecknat avtal om en factoringkredit och inleder ett samarbete med Svea Ekonomi Svea Ekonomi och IBS har tecknat ett avtal där IBS erhåller en factoringkredit på...
Kallelse till extra bolagsstämma i IBS AB
18. Oktober 2010 02:40 ET | IBS AB
Kallelse till extra bolagsstämma i IBS AB Aktieägarna i IBS AB kallas härmed till extra bolagsstämma torsdagen den 4 november 2010 kl. 09:00 i bolagets lokaler på Hemvärnsgatan 8 i...
IBS Board Members Steps Down
17. Oktober 2010 11:32 ET | IBS AB
IBS Board Members Steps Down  Stockholm, Sweden, October 17, 2010 - International Business Systems (STO: IBS B) - The board members Gunnel Duveblad and Pallab Chatterjee have today resigned from the...
Alfar choose IBS Enterprise for Pharmaceutical (IBS Pharma) to renew its core processes
03. September 2010 03:56 ET | IBS AB
Alfar choose IBS Enterprise for Pharmaceutical (IBS Pharma) to renew its core processes Milan, Sept. 3rd, 2010 - International Business Systems (STO: IBS B) the leading business application supplier...
IBS Interim report January - June 2010
30. August 2010 02:03 ET | IBS AB
IBS Interim report January - June 2010 Stockholm, Sweden, August 30, 2010  Financial results were negatively impacted due to a significant decline in sales and insufficient cost control in the...
Stephen Thornton appointed as Executive Vice President at IBS
08. Juni 2010 06:27 ET | IBS AB
Stephen Thornton appointed as Executive Vice President at IBS Stockholm, Sweden, June 8 2010 - International Business Systems (STO: IBS B), the leading application supplier for wholesale and...
IBS present CEO leaves and the board appoints interim CEO
26. Mai 2010 14:35 ET | IBS AB
IBS present CEO leaves and the board appoints interim CEO The Board of Directors of IBS has come to a mutual understanding with the present CEO Mike Shinya that he will leave the company. Solna,...
IBS nuvarande VD lämnar och styrelsen utser tillförordnad verkställande direktör
26. Mai 2010 14:35 ET | IBS AB
IBS nuvarande VD lämnar och styrelsen utser tillförordnad verkställande direktör IBS styrelse har kommit överens med bolagets nuvarande verkställande direktör, Mike Shinya, om att han lämnar...
Board member resigns
19. Mai 2010 09:26 ET | IBS AB
Board member resigns Stockholm, Sweden, May 19 2010 International Business Systems (STO: IBS B) - The board member Bertrand Sciard has today resigned from the board of directors of IBS AB. Bertrand...
IBS continues to broaden technical base with Microsoft Gold Certified Partner status
07. Mai 2010 02:00 ET | IBS AB
IBS continues to broaden technical base with Microsoft Gold Certified Partner status Stockholm, Sweden, May 7 2010 - International Business Systems (STO: IBS B), the leading application supplier for...