ITM Executes License Agreement to Obtain Worldwide Exclusive License for the Clinical Development and Commercialization of Folate-Based Radiotheranostics
14. Dezember 2023 09:28 ET | ITM Isotope Technologies Munich SE
ITM secures first-in-class folate precursors for radiolabeling to advance clinical and commercial development of its folate-based pipeline candidatesLicensing agreement broadens indication areas to...
ITM Executes License Agreement to Obtain Worldwide Exclusive License for the Clinical Development and Commercialization of Folate-Based Radiotheranostics
14. Dezember 2023 09:26 ET | ITM Isotope Technologies Munich SE
  ITM secures first-in-class folate precursors for radiolabeling to advance clinical and commercial development of its folate-based pipeline candidatesLicensing agreement broadens...
ITM Reports on Participation at 3rd ICPO Forum for Theranostics in Precision Oncology and Announces Support for ICPO Academy for Theranostics
24. Oktober 2023 08:00 ET | ITM Isotope Technologies Munich SE
Garching / Munich, Germany, October 24, 2023 – ITM Isotope Technologies Munich SE (ITM), a leading radiopharmaceutical biotech company, today reported on its participation at the 3rd International...
Actineer_Signing_Joe McBrearty_CEO of CNL_and_Steffen Schuster_CEO of ITM
ITM and CNL Announce the Launch of Actineer, a New Joint Venture in the Global Production of Actinium-225
18. Oktober 2023 08:00 ET | ITM Isotope Technologies Munich SE
  New company will advance Actinium-225 technologies, quickly secure supply, and construct a new production facility in Canada to produce industrial-scale quantities of rare medical isotope ...
ITM and POINT Biopharma Expand Global Supply Agreement for n.c.a. Lutetium-177
31. Juli 2023 09:00 ET | ITM Isotope Technologies Munich SE
Garching / Munich, Germany and Indianapolis, IN, USA, July 31, 2023 –  ITM Isotope Technologies Munich SE (ITM), a leading radiopharmaceutical biotech company and POINT Biopharma Global Inc. (NASDAQ:...
ITM to Host Theranostics Symposium on Clinical Need and Supply at SNMMI Annual Meeting on Sunday, June 25, 2023
15. Juni 2023 04:23 ET | ITM Isotope Technologies Munich SE
Garching / Munich, June 15, 2023 – ITM Isotope Technologies Munich SE (ITM), a leading radiopharmaceutical biotech company, today announced that it will host a multidisciplinary symposium titled,...
ITM eröffnet neue Prdouktionsstätte, vlnr: ITM COO, Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender, Staatsminister, ITM CEO, Bürgermeister Neufahrn
ITM eröffnet weltweit größte Anlage zur Produktion von Lutetium-177 für zielgerichtete Radionuklidtherapien gegen Krebs
13. Juni 2023 02:00 ET | ITM Isotope Technologies Munich SE
Neue Herstellungsanlage in Neufahrn bei München verzehnfacht ITMs Produktionskapazitäten Feierliche Eröffnung durch Staatsminister Dr. Florian Herrmann, Leiter der Bayerischen Staatskanzlei ...
ITM opens new production facility:ITM COO, ITM Chairman of the Board, Minister of State, ITM CEO, Mayor Neufahrn
ITM Opens World's Largest Lutetium-177 Production Facility for Targeted Radionuclide Therapies Against Cancer
13. Juni 2023 02:00 ET | ITM Isotope Technologies Munich SE
New manufacturing plant in Neufahrn near Munich increases ITM's production capacity tenfoldCeremonial opening by Minister of State, Dr. Florian Herrmann, Head of the Bavarian State Chancellery ...
ITM Announces €255m Investment Round, Plans to Advance Radiopharmaceutical Pipeline and to Expand Radioisotope Production Capacities
05. Juni 2023 05:00 ET | ITM Isotope Technologies Munich SE
 One of the largest private investment rounds in European biotech to-dateNet proceeds will enhance ITM’s radiopharmaceutical pipeline, bolster commercial infrastructure, expand leading...
PSI_Prof. Roger Schibli
ITM Enters Cooperation Agreement with Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) for Co-Development and Upscaled Manufacturing of Terbium-161 for Theranostic Application in Cancer
27. April 2023 05:00 ET | ITM Isotope Technologies Munich SE
Enhancement of ITM’s development and manufacturing activities strengthens ITM’s position as a pioneer and leader in Targeted Radionuclide Therapy (TRT) Garching / Munich, April 27, 2023 – ITM...