


Icelandair Group hf.
Traffic Data August
06. September 2019 13:26 ET | Icelandair Group hf.
The total number of passengers on Icelandair’s flights was around 560 thousand in August, increasing by 7% compared with August last year. The capacity increase was 7%. The load factor was 83.2%...
Correction: Dagsetning viðskipta 22. ágúst 2019
28. August 2019 18:03 ET | Icelandair Group hf.
Eftirfarandi hefur verið leiðrétt: Athugasemdir*/Comments*                                                                                                                                         ...
Correction: Date of transaction 22 August 2019
28. August 2019 18:03 ET | Icelandair Group hf.
The following has been corrected: Athugasemdir*/Comments*:                                                                                                                                           ...
Dagsetning viðskipta 22. ágúst 2019
22. August 2019 10:55 ET | Icelandair Group hf.
Viðskipti fjárhagslega tengds aðila fruminnherja/Transaction of a party financially connected to a primary insider Auðkenni útgefanda/Trade ticker:ICEAIR Nafn útgefanda/Issuer:Icelandair Group ...
Date of transaction 22 August 2019
22. August 2019 10:55 ET | Icelandair Group hf.
Viðskipti fjárhagslega tengds aðila fruminnherja/Transaction of a party financially connected to a primary insider Auðkenni útgefanda/Trade ticker:ICEAIR Nafn útgefanda/Issuer:Icelandair Group ...
Breytingar á flugáætlun til loka árs í tengslum við kyrrsetningu á Boeing 737-MAX flugvélum
16. August 2019 14:59 ET | Icelandair Group hf.
Icelandair hefur nú uppfært flugáætlun sína til ársloka. Félagið gerir ekki ráð fyrir Boeing 737 MAX vélum í rekstri fyrir þann tíma og hefur aðlagað flugáætlun sína í samræmi við það og aðra þróun á...
Changes to Icelandair’s flight schedule throughout the year due to the suspension of Boeing 737 MAX aircraft
16. August 2019 14:59 ET | Icelandair Group hf.
Icelandair has updated its flight schedule until the end of December 2019 as it does not anticipate the Boeing 737 MAX aircraft to be in operation during that time. The changes also reflect other...
Flutningatölur júlí 2019
06. August 2019 12:09 ET | Icelandair Group hf.
Í júlí var farþegafjöldi Icelandair tæplega 564 þúsund og jókst um 9% milli ára. Framboð var aukið um 8%. Sætanýting var 82,9% samanborið við 85,3% í júlí í fyrra en leiðakerfisbreytingar sem gerðar...
Traffic Data July 2019
06. August 2019 12:09 ET | Icelandair Group hf.
The total number of passengers on international flights was almost 564 thousand in July, increasing by 9% compared with July last year. The capacity increase was 8%. The load factor was negatively...
Presentation of Q2 2019 financial results
02. August 2019 05:53 ET | Icelandair Group hf.
Attached is the presentation of Q2 2019 financial results. Attachment Q2 19 Presentation ...