


Institute for Preventive Foot Health
Foot Problems Pervasive in the U.S., Linked to Obesity, Sedentary Lives and Diabetes, Says New IPFH/NPD Study
26. Juni 2012 11:20 ET | Institute for Preventive Foot Health
STATESVILLE, N.C., June 26, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- A staggering 78% of U.S. adults age 21+ report they have had one or more problems with their feet at some time in their lives, according to The...
Institute for Preventive Foot Health Web Site Unveils Foot Pain Self-Assessment Tool
17. Mai 2012 10:10 ET | Institute for Preventive Foot Health
EVALUATE THE POTENTIAL CAUSES OF FOOT PAIN WITH ILLUSTRATED THREE-STEP ASSESSMENT STATESVILLE, N.C., May 16, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Does your foot hurt? Want to learn what the problem might be?...