Kalmar Structured Finance A/S, rentefixing
17. Juni 2009 09:53 ET
Kalmar Structured Finance A/S
I forbindelse med fastsættelse af kupon for den kommende rente periode kan vi
meddele, at kuponrenten er fastsat til:
Start dato: 22-06-2009 (inklusiv)
Slut dato: 21-09-2009...
Kalmar Structured Finance A/S, Fixing of Coupon
17. Juni 2009 09:53 ET
Kalmar Structured Finance A/S
In connection with the determination of the coupons for the following interest
period we can inform that the coupons will be as follows.
Start date: 22-06-2009 (inclusive)
Kalmar Structured Finance A/S, Secured Notes due 2013
07. Mai 2009 07:26 ET
Kalmar Structured Finance A/S
Nordea Bank Danmark A/S, acting as the Arranger of the above mentioned issue,
hereby informs Noteholders IV of the occurrence of the following Credit Event
(as defined in the Offering Circular):...
Kalmar Structured Finance A/S, Secured Notes due 2010
03. April 2009 09:35 ET
Kalmar Structured Finance A/S
Nordea Bank Danmark A/S, acting as the Arranger of the above mentioned issue,
has on 31 March 2009 become aware of an occurrence of a Credit Event (as
defined in the Offering Circular) concerning...
Kalmar Structured Finance A/S, Secured Notes III due 2011
03. April 2009 09:31 ET
Kalmar Structured Finance A/S
Nordea Bank Danmark A/S, acting as the Arranger of the above mentioned issue,
has on 31 March 2009 become aware of an occurrence of a Credit Event (as
defined in the Offering Circular) concerning...
Kalmar Structured Finance A/S, Secured Notes IV due 2013
03. April 2009 09:28 ET
Kalmar Structured Finance A/S
Nordea Bank Danmark A/S, acting as the Arranger of the above mentioned issue,
hereby informs Noteholders IV of the occurrence of the following Credit Events
(as defined in the Offering Circular):...
Kalmar Structured Finance A/S, Secured Notes II due 2010
03. April 2009 09:04 ET
Kalmar Structured Finance A/S
Nordea Bank Danmark A/S, acting as the Arranger of the above mentioned issue,
has on 31 March 2009 become aware of an occurrence of a Credit Event (as
defined in the Offering Circular) concerning...
Kalmar Structured Finance A/S, Referat fra generalforsamling
02. April 2009 04:35 ET
Kalmar Structured Finance A/S
Kalmar Structured Finance A/S holdt den 2. april 2009 ordinær generalforsamling
med den tidligere offentliggjorte dagsorden.
1-3. Generalforsamlingen godkendte bestyrelsens beretning, årsrapport...
Kalmar Structured Finance A/S, Calculation of Final Price Notice
30. März 2009 10:16 ET
Kalmar Structured Finance A/S
Class D Notes III Outstanding Principal Amount Reduction Notice
Following the Credit Event of Tribune Company informed to Noteholders 9th
December 2008; Nordea Bank Danmark A/S as Calculation...
Kalmar Structured Finance A/S, Rentefixing
26. März 2009 08:59 ET
Kalmar Structured Finance A/S
I forbindelse med fastsættelse af kupon for den kommende rente periode kan vi
meddele, at kuponrenten er fastsat til:
Start dato: 30-03-2009 (inklusiv)
Slut dato: 29-06-2009...