Gjaldþrotabeiðni Landic Property hf. samþykkt
28. Januar 2010 06:09 ET
Landic Property hf.
Héraðsdómur Reykjavíkur hefur fallist á beiðni Landic Property hf. um að
félagið verði tekið til gjaldþrotaskipta. Ástráður Haraldsson hrl hefur verið
skipaður sem skiptastjóri þrotabúsins.
Landic Property hf. granted authorisation to enter into bankruptcy proceedings
28. Januar 2010 06:09 ET
Landic Property hf.
Landic Property hf. was granted authorisation by the District Court of
Reykjavík to enter into bankruptcy proceedings. Mr. Ástráður Haraldsson,
Supreme Court Attorney, was appointed trustee over the...
Stjórn Landic Property hf. óskar eftir gjaldþrotaskiptum.
26. Januar 2010 12:19 ET
Landic Property hf.
Stjórn Landic Property hf. hefur óskað eftir því að bú félagsins verði tekið
til gjaldþrotaskipta við Héraðsdóm Reykjavíkur.
Kröfuhafar Landic Property hf. felldu frumvarp til nauðasamnings...
The board of Landic Property hf. requests a bankruptcy petition
26. Januar 2010 12:19 ET
Landic Property hf.
The board of Landic Property hf. has requested a bankruptcy petition of the
company's holdings before the District Court in Reykjavik.
The creditors of Landic Property hf. rejected the composition...
Landic Property hf. granted approval for seeking composition with creditors
10. November 2009 10:33 ET
Landic Property hf.
Today, the District Court of Reykjavik approved Landic Property hf.´s request
to seek composition with its creditors.
Ástráður Haraldsson, Supreme Court Attorney, at Mandat Law Office, has...
Landic Property hf. fær heimild til að leita nauðasamninga við kröfuhafa
10. November 2009 10:33 ET
Landic Property hf.
Í dag samþykkti Héraðsdómur Reykjavíkur að veita Landic Property hf. heimild
til að leita nauðasamninga við kröfuhafa félagsins.
Ástráður Haraldsson hrl., hjá Mandati lögmannsstofu, hefur verið...
Fjárhagslegri endurskipulagningu fasteignafélagsins Landic Property Ísland lokið og Landic Property hf. hyggst leita nauðasamninga við kröfuhafa
06. November 2009 10:40 ET
Landic Property hf.
- Fjárhagslegri endurskipulagningu fasteignafélagsins Landic Property Ísland
- Viðar Þorkelsson ráðinn forstjóri
- Móðurfélag hættir starfsemi og hyggst leita nauðasamninga við...
Financial restructuring of Icelandic property operations completed and Landic Property hf seeks composition with creditors
06. November 2009 10:40 ET
Landic Property hf.
- Financial restructuring of Icelandic property operations completed
- Vidar Thorkelsson appointed as CEO of Landic Property Island
- Parent company ceases operations and seeks composition with...
Landic Property selur Atlas I fasteignasafnið
20. Oktober 2009 05:32 ET
Landic Property hf.
Fasteignafélagið Landic Property hf. hefur skrifað undir samning um sölu á
Atlas I fasteignasafninu (Landic Property Denmark A/S) til danska
fasteignafélagsins Jeudan A/S. Fasteignasafnið samanstendur...
Landic Property sells Atlas I property portfolio
20. Oktober 2009 05:32 ET
Landic Property hf.
Landic Property hf. has signed an agreement regarding the sale of Atlas I
portfolio (Landic Property Denmark A/S) to Jeudan A/S, a Danish listed property
company. The portfolio is comprised of 31...