Mäntän tehtaan uudis
Mäntän tehtaan uudistettu paperikone 10:n käyntiin
11. Mai 2010 09:22 ET | Metsä Tissue
Metsä Tissue Oyj lehdistötiedote 11.5.2010 Metsä Tissuen brändejä vahvistetaan entisestään Metsäliitto-konserniin kuuluvan Metsä Tissuen Mäntän tehtaan paperikone 10:n uudistus valmistui etuajassa,...
Metsä Tissue brands
Metsä Tissue brands now stronger than ever - brilliant start-up for rebuilt PM 10 at Mänttä mill
11. Mai 2010 09:22 ET | Metsä Tissue
Metsä Tissue Corporation Press release 11 May 2010 The rebuild of PM10 at Metsä Tissue's Mänttä Mill was brought to conclusion ahead of schedule, with the first reels produced on 22 April. The...
Swedish paper worker
Swedish paper workers industrial actions are expanding
16. April 2010 06:00 ET | Metsä Tissue
16/04/2010 Following our web news release of April 13th, some new developments have emerged on the industrial action front in Sweden. As the Swedish Paper Workers did not accept the latest...
Swedish paper worker
Swedish paper workers initiate industrial action
13. April 2010 06:00 ET | Metsä Tissue
13/04/2010 Labour agreement talks broke down last weekend between the Swedish Paper Workers' Union (Svenska Pappers) and the employers' Forest Industry Association (Skogsindustrierna,SFIF)....
New reserve boiler t
New reserve boiler to secure stable energy supply for Metsä Tissue's Mänttä mill
12. April 2010 06:00 ET | Metsä Tissue
12/04/2010 Mäntän Energia, an energy company owned 45 per cent by Metsä Tissue, is investing EUR 3.1 million in a 50 megawatt reserve boiler this spring. The boiler will be transferred from...
Paavo Liestalo to le
Paavo Liestalo to leave Metsä Tissue
31. März 2010 06:00 ET | Metsä Tissue
Paavo Liestalo to leave Metsä Tissue 31/03/2010 Paavo Liestalo, SVP Marketing and Business Development, Consumer Business, will leave Metsä Tissue on 7 May 2010. We thank Paavo Liestalo for...
Metsä Tissue's Annua
Metsä Tissue's Annual General Meeting decisions Metsä Tissue's Annual General Meeting decisions
30. März 2010 06:00 ET | Metsä Tissue
30/03/2010 In its meeting of 25 March, the Annual General Meeting of Metsä Tissue elected as members of the Metsä Tissue's Board of Directors Jozef Antošík (Vice Chair), Hannu Anttila, Martti...
Finnish port strike
Finnish port strike ends
19. März 2010 07:00 ET | Metsä Tissue
19/03/2010 The Finnish stevedores belonging to the Transport Workers' Union, and the port operators representing the employer's have this afternoon accepted a new agreement thus ending the...
Finnish transport st
Finnish transport strike ends, dock workers walk out
04. März 2010 06:00 ET | Metsä Tissue
04/03/2010 Finnish road transport resumed as normal on Wednesday evening after unions struck a deal with employers, ending a strike that lasted only one day. The possible strike of ice-breakers...
Strike threat update
Strike threat update
16. Februar 2010 06:00 ET | Metsä Tissue
Following our web news release of February 12th, new developments have emerged on the industrial action front in Finland. The dock strike which was to begin this Friday has been postponed two...