Metso Corporation´s Interim Review, January 1 - September 30, 2010
28. Oktober 2010 05:00 ET
Metso Oyj
Metso Corporation's stock exchange release on October 28, 2010 at around 12:00
p.m. local time
Solid performance
Highlights of the third quarter of 2010
* New orders worth EUR 1,409 million...
Moody´s raised Metso´s rating outlook to stable
20. September 2010 00:30 ET
Metso Oyj
Metso Corporation's stock exchange release on September 20, 2010 at 7:30 a.m.
local time
Moody´s Investors Service has affirmed Metso´s Baa2 long- term credit rating and
raised the outlook from...
Metso Corporation´s Interim Review, January 1- June 30, 2010
29. Juli 2010 05:00 ET
Metso Oyj
Metso Corporation's stock exchange release on July 29, 2010 at 12:00 p.m.
Metso's positive development continued
Highlights of the second quarter of 2010
* New orders worth EUR 1,671...
Metso Corporation's Financial Statements Review, January 1 - December 31, 2009
08. Februar 2010 08:18 ET
Metso Oyj
Metso Corporation's Financial Statements Review,
January 1 - December 31, 2009
Metso's Company Release on February...
Metson tilinpäätöstiedote 1.1.-31.12.2009
08. Februar 2010 08:18 ET
Metso Oyj
Metson tilinpäätöstiedote 1.1.-31.12.2009
Metso Oyj:n yhtiötiedote 8.2.2010 klo 15.00
Vahva kassavirta ja tyydyttävä...
Change in the ownership of Metso's own shares
28. Dezember 2009 08:00 ET
Metso Oyj
Metso Corporation's Company release on December 28, 2009 at 3:00 p.m.
MEO1V Incentive Limited Partnership that was established to administer Metso's
2006-2009 Share Ownership Plan has been dissolved....
Muutos Metson omien osakkeiden omistuksessa
28. Dezember 2009 08:00 ET
Metso Oyj
Metso Oyj:n yhtiötiedote 28.12.2009 klo 15.00
MEO1V Incentive Ky, joka perustettiin hallinnoimaan Metson 2006-2009
osakepalkkiojärjestelmää, on purettu. MEO1V Incentive Ky:n omistuksessa olleet
New Metso Corporation shares registered with the trade register
28. Dezember 2009 06:00 ET
Metso Oyj
Metso Corporation's company release on December 28, 2009 at 1:00 p.m.
A total of 8,593,642 new shares were subscribed for in the share issue relating
to the share exchange offer by Metso Corporation...
Metson uudet osakkeet merkitty kaupparekisteriin
28. Dezember 2009 06:00 ET
Metso Oyj
Metso Oyj:n yhtiötiedote 28.12.2009 klo 13:00
Metson Tamfelt Oyj Abp:n kaikista liikkeeseen laskemista osakkeista ja
optio-oikeuksista tekemään osakevaihtotarjoukseen liittyvässä osakeannissa...
Final result of Metso Corporation´s share exchange offer for all issued and outstanding shares and stock options of Tamfelt Corp.
23. Dezember 2009 02:45 ET
Metso Oyj
Metso Corporation's Company release on December 23, 2009 at 9:45 a.m.
According to the final result of the share exchange offer, the shares tendered
in the share exchange offer represent 98 percent...