no 55/18 Changes to the Clearing Rules - Appendix 10, Collateral List
18. Dezember 2018 10:30 ET
Nasdaq Commodities
This is to inform you about an amendment to the Clearing Rules of Nasdaq Commodities, Appendix 10 - Collateral List, effective December 19, 2018.
For updated Appendix 10, Collateral...
no 54/18 Risk Parameter Update
13. Dezember 2018 10:55 ET
Nasdaq Commodities
Risk parameters for all Commodity Derivatives Contracts will be updated based on a monthly review.
The updated parameters will become effective in the intra-day margin calculation at 9 am CET on...
Delivery of Allowance Contracts with expiration on December 17, 2018 (02/18)
07. Dezember 2018 12:02 ET
Nasdaq Commodities
The Delivery of European Union Allowances (EUAs) with expiration in December 2018 is approaching: Expiration Day for the NEDEC8 contract is December 17, 2018.
Nasdaq Clearing would like to remind...
Update on Nasdaq Clearing Default Fund
07. Dezember 2018 10:00 ET
Nasdaq Commodities
Following the default event on September 11 2018, Nasdaq Clearing implemented a Temporary Junior Capital for the Commodity Default Fund of 200 million SEK (approx. 19 million euro) for an interim...
Nasdaq Commodities Welcomes Axton Commodities
07. Dezember 2018 02:00 ET
Nasdaq Commodities
Nasdaq Commodities is pleased to announce that Axton Commodities has joined Nasdaq’s Nordic Commodities market.
Axton Commodities is a power trading company operating in the Nordic and Baltic...
IT –Verification of failover functionality in the Genium INET production system
29. November 2018 11:30 ET
Nasdaq Commodities
Please note, earlier Notices about the failover described all timings with the time zone abbreviation (CEST). Unfortunately summer is over, the correct time zone is (CET) for all activities...
Changes to Nasdaq’s Standing Settlement Instructions for Euroclear Sweden - REMINDER
28. November 2018 11:59 ET
Nasdaq Commodities
Nasdaq Clearing AB (Nasdaq) is changing its membership structure with the Swedish CSD: Nasdaq will as of December 3rd 2018 change its business identity in Euroclear Sweden and formally adopt the...
Delay in Cash Optimization Run
27. November 2018 04:39 ET
Nasdaq Commodities
Due to technical disturbances today’s official Cash Optimization run is delayed. Nasdaq is working to start the Cash Optimization process. More information will be distributed at CET...
Correction: NO 53/18 Risk Parameter Update
26. November 2018 05:13 ET
Nasdaq Commodities
Correction of ICSC values: ICSC values on the FTP server have been updated.
Risk parameters for all Commodity Derivatives Contracts will be updated based on a monthly review.
The updated...
no 54/18 Default Fund – New requirement by December 1st
26. November 2018 03:53 ET
Nasdaq Commodities
A new requirement will take place December 1st and is presented in the Default Fund Requirement and Evaluation report which can be found in Q-Port.
The requirement for upcoming quarter is shown...