Invitation to presentation of Net Insight's Interim report January - June 2018
05. Juli 2018 03:20 ET
Net Insight AB
Stockholm, Sweden - Net Insight will publish its interim report January - June 2018, on July 20, 2018 at 8.45 am CEST. A live audiocast/teleconference will take place the same day at 9.30 am CEST....
Net Insight AB: Net Insight erhåller betydande order från europeisk partner för domarassistansnät
28. Juni 2018 02:30 ET
Net Insight AB
Stockholm - Net Insight, ledande leverantör av streaming, transport och resursplanering inom TV och media, har valts ut av ett ledande telekommunikationsföretag som implementerar ett nationellt...
Net Insight AB: Net Insight wins significant order from European partner for Video Assistant Referee network
28. Juni 2018 02:30 ET
Net Insight AB
Stockholm, Sweden - Net Insight, the leading provider in streaming, media transport and resource scheduling, has been selected by a leading telecommunications company who will deploy a nationwide...
VP Human Resources lämnar Net Insight
11. Juni 2018 02:45 ET
Net Insight AB
Stockholm - Net Insight meddelar idag att Vice President Human Resources Marina Hedman har beslutat sig för att lämna sin tjänst för andra utmaningar utanför företaget. Marina började på Net Insight...
VP Human Resources leaves Net Insight
11. Juni 2018 02:45 ET
Net Insight AB
Stockholm, Sweden - Net Insight today announces that the Vice President Human Resources Marina Hedman has decided to leave her position in order to pursue new career challenges outside of the...
Net Insight tillsätter interim VD
09. Mai 2018 12:00 ET
Net Insight AB
Stockholm - Net Insight, ledande leverantör av streaming, transport och resursplanering inom TV och media, meddelar idag att Henrik Sund har utnämnts som tillförordnad VD fram till dess att ny VD...
Net Insight appoints Interim CEO
09. Mai 2018 12:00 ET
Net Insight AB
Stockholm, Sweden - Net Insight, the leading provider in streaming, media transport and resource scheduling, today announces that Henrik Sund has been appointed interim CEO during the period until...
Net Insight AB: Kommuniké från årsstämma i Net Insight AB (publ) den 8 maj 2018
08. Mai 2018 06:15 ET
Net Insight AB
Stockholm - Vid årsstämma i Net Insight AB (publ) den 8 maj 2018 fattade årsstämman bland annat följande beslut. Styrelsens fullständiga förslag har tidigare publicerats och finns tillgängliga på...
Net Insight AB: Bulletin from the Annual General Meeting in Net Insight AB (publ) on 8 May 2018
08. Mai 2018 06:15 ET
Net Insight AB
Stockholm, Sweden - The following resolutions were passed at the Annual General Meeting (the "AGM") in Net Insight AB (publ) on 8 May 2018. The board of directors' complete proposals has previously...
Net Insight wins order for multi-sport event in Asia
26. April 2018 07:48 ET
Net Insight AB
Stockholm, Sweden - Net Insight, the leading provider in streaming, media transport and resource scheduling, today announces that a national telecommunications company in Southeast Asia has selected...