Oasmia och Arwidsro har löst utestående mellanhavanden och Arwidsro satsar ytterligare i Oasmia
05. Juli 2019 07:00 ET
Oasmia Pharmaceutical AB
Idag har en överenskommelse nåtts mellan Oasmia och dess största ägare Arwidsro. Den handlar dels om att lösa upp tidigare oklarheter, dels om att tillföra Oasmia kapital för att fortsätta satsningen...
Oasmia and Arwidsro have solved outstanding balances and Arwidsro increases its investment in Oasmia
05. Juli 2019 07:00 ET
Oasmia Pharmaceutical AB
Today an agreement has been made between Oasmia and its largest shareholder Arwidsro. The agreement is made to solve earlier unclear balances and to support the planned commercialization of Oasmia...
Oasmia tillsätter Business Advisory Board
04. Juli 2019 03:00 ET
Oasmia Pharmaceutical AB
Oasmia tillsätter Business Advisory Board med målsättningen att främst ge stöd åt kommersialiseringen av Apealea samt utvärdera vilka utvecklings- och marknadsmöjligheter som finns för de övriga...
Oasmia appoints Business Advisory Board
04. Juli 2019 03:00 ET
Oasmia Pharmaceutical AB
Oasmia has appointed a Business Advisory Board with the aim of primarily supporting the commercialization of Apealea and evaluating development and market opportunities for the other product...
Oasmia tillsätter Scientific Advisory Board
02. Juli 2019 02:00 ET
Oasmia Pharmaceutical AB
Oasmia tillkännager idag bildandet av sitt Scientific Advisory Board med tre viktiga utnämningar: Professor Rolf Lewensohn, MD, PhD, Hans Grönlund, PhD and Ola Winqvist, MD, PhD. Scentific...
Oasmia appoints Scientific Advisory Board
02. Juli 2019 02:00 ET
Oasmia Pharmaceutical AB
Oasmia today announces the formation of its Scientific Advisory Board with three key appointments: Professor Rolf Lewensohn, MD, PhD, Hans Grönlund, PhD and Ola Winqvist, MD, PhD. The scientific...
Oasmia utnämner ny CMO
02. Juli 2019 02:00 ET
Oasmia Pharmaceutical AB
Nina Heldring, PhD, har idag utsetts till tf CMO (Chief Medical Officer) för Oasmia Pharmaceutical AB. Nina Heldring har 20 års erfarenhet av preklinisk och klinisk medicinsk forskning från kända...
Oasmia appoints new CMO
02. Juli 2019 02:00 ET
Oasmia Pharmaceutical AB
Nina Heldring, PhD, has today been appointed as acting CMO of Oasmia Pharmaceutical AB. Nina Heldring has 20 years of experience with pre-clinical and clinical medical research from renowned...
The Board of Oasmia has decided to report certain transactions to the Swedish Economic Crime Authority and to appoint a special examiner
28. Juni 2019 01:30 ET
Oasmia Pharmaceutical AB
The Board of Oasmia has decided to report certain suspicious transactions that has been made by the company during several years to the Swedish Economic Crime Authority. In connection with a tax...
Oasmia announces change of CEO
28. Juni 2019 01:30 ET
Oasmia Pharmaceutical AB
Sven Rohmann, MD PhD MBA, has today been appointed as acting CEO of Oasmia Pharmaceutical AB. He assumes his new role July 1, 2019. Since March 2019 Sven Rohmann has been a member of the Board of...