PRA Health Sciences selecionada pela BARDA como membro da sua exclusiva Rede de Estudos Clínicos
07. Oktober 2020 11:10 ET
PRA Health Sciences, Inc.
RALEIGH, N.C., Oct. 07, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- A PRA Health Sciences , Inc.(NASDAQ: PRAH) anunciou hoje que foi selecionada pela Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) como...
PRA 헬스사이언스, BARDA로부터 임상 연구 네트워크 회원사로 선정
07. Oktober 2020 11:10 ET
PRA Health Sciences, Inc.
미국 노스캐롤라이나주 롤리, Oct. 08, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- PRA 헬스사이언스(PRA Health Sciences, Inc. (NASDAQ:PRAH))는 미국 생물의약품첨단연구개발국(BARDA)으로부터 업데이트된 임상연구 네트워크(Clinical Studies Network) 회원사로 등록되었다고 밝혔다. 임상시험 계획 및...
PRA Health Sciences sélectionnée par la BARDA pour intégrer son réseau d'études cliniques exclusif
07. Oktober 2020 11:10 ET
PRA Health Sciences, Inc.
RALEIGH, Caroline du Nord, 07 oct. 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- PRA Health Sciences, Inc. (NASDAQ : PRAH) a annoncé aujourd'hui avoir été sélectionnée par la Biomedical Advanced Research and Development...
BARDA 選擇 PRA Health Sciences 作為為其專屬臨床研究網絡的成員
07. Oktober 2020 11:10 ET
PRA Health Sciences, Inc.
新澤西州拉里市, Oct. 07, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- PRA Health Sciences, Inc. (NASDAQ: PRAH) 今天宣佈公司已獲生物醫學高級研究和開發管理局 (BARDA) 選為最新臨床研究網絡 (CSN) 的成員。PRA 獲授予臨床試驗計劃和執行 (CTPE)...
PRA Health Sciences被BARDA选为其独家临床研究网络的成员
07. Oktober 2020 11:10 ET
PRA Health Sciences, Inc.
北卡罗来纳州罗利市, Oct. 07, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Health Sciences, Inc.(NASDAQ:PRAH)今天宣布已被生物医学高级研究与发展管理局(BARDA)选为最新临床研究网络(CSN)的成员。按照临床试验规划和实施(CTPE)合同的规定,...
PRA Health Sciences selected by BARDA to be a member of its exclusive Clinical Studies Network
06. Oktober 2020 16:02 ET
PRA Health Sciences, Inc.
With the new contract, PRA will assist Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) in the development of medical countermeasures for public health RALEIGH, N.C., Oct. 06, 2020 ...
PRA Health Sciences y Deep Lens anuncian alianza estratégica para acelerar reclutamiento de pacientes para ensayos de cáncer de precisión
18. September 2020 19:15 ET
PRA Health Sciences, Inc.
RALEIGH, Carolina del Norte y COLUMBUS, Ohio, Sept. 18, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- PRA Health Sciences, Inc. (NASDAQ: PRAH) y Deep Lens, Inc., anunciaron hoy una nueva alianza estratégica para...
PRA Health Sciences dan Deep Lens mengumumkan hubungan strategik untuk mempercepat perekrutan pesakit bagi ketepatan percubaan kanser
18. September 2020 19:15 ET
PRA Health Sciences, Inc.
RALEIGH, N.C. dan COLUMBUS, Ohio, Sept. 19, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- PRA Health Sciences, Inc. (NASDAQ: PRAH) dan Deep Lens, Inc. mengumumkan hubungan strategik baharu hari ini untuk mempercepat...
PRA Health Sciences und Deep Lens geben strategische Beziehung zur Beschleunigung der Patientenrekrutierung für Präzisionsstudien zu Krebs bekannt
18. September 2020 19:15 ET
PRA Health Sciences, Inc.
RALEIGH, North Carolina, und COLUMBUS, Ohio (USA), Sept. 19, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- PRA Health Sciences, Inc. (NASDAQ: PRAH) und Deep Lens, Inc. haben heute eine neue strategische Beziehung...
PRA Health Sciences 及 Deep Lens 宣佈策略關係,為精確的癌症試驗加速患者招募
18. September 2020 19:15 ET
PRA Health Sciences, Inc.
北卡羅來納州拉里格及俄亥俄州哥倫布, Sept. 19, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- PRA Health Sciences, Inc. (NASDAQ: PRAH) 及 Deep Lens, Inc. 今天宣佈建立新的策略關係,為腫瘤臨床試驗加速接觸及招募患者。此合作關係結合一流的技術,為全球的精確臨床腫瘤學試驗改善癌症患者的識別、篩選及匹配過程,並將綜合解決方案部署至...