Precise Biometrics ingår licensavtal med Chipone
25. Februar 2016 02:00 ET | Precise Biometrics AB
Precise Biometrics, marknadsledare inom fingeravtrycksmjukvara, har ingått ett avtal med Chipone för licensiering av Precise Biometrics algoritmlösning för fingeravtrycksigenkänning i mobila enheter,...
Precise Biometrics signs license agreement with Chipone
25. Februar 2016 02:00 ET | Precise Biometrics AB
Precise Biometrics, the leader in fingerprint software, has entered an agreement with Chipone for licensing of Precise Biometrics’ algorithm solution for fingerprint recognition in mobile devices,...
Precise BioMatch Mobile integrerad i Xiaomi Mi 5
24. Februar 2016 05:15 ET | Precise Biometrics AB
Precise Biometrics algoritmlösning för fingeravtrycksigenkänning i mobila enheter, Precise BioMatch™ Mobile, har genom samarbetet med Fingerprint Cards (FPC), integrerats i Xiaomi Mi 5. Integrationen...
Precise BioMatch Mobile integrated in Xiaomi Mi 5
24. Februar 2016 05:15 ET | Precise Biometrics AB
Precise Biometrics’ algorithm solution for fingerprint recognition in mobile devices, Precise BioMatch™ Mobile, has through cooperation with Fingerprint Cards (FPC) been integrated in Xiaomi Mi 5. The...
Precise BioMatch Mobile integrerad i Windows tablet från kinesisk tillverkare
22. Februar 2016 02:45 ET | Precise Biometrics AB
Precise Biometrics algoritmlösning för fingeravtrycksigenkänning i mobila enheter, Precise BioMatch™Mobile, har genom samarbetet med Fingerprint Cards (FPC), integrerats i en Windows tablet från en...
Precise BioMatch Mobile integrated in Windows tablet from Chinese vendor
22. Februar 2016 02:45 ET | Precise Biometrics AB
Precise Biometrics’ product for fingerprint recognition in mobile devices, Precise BioMatch™ Mobile, has through cooperation with Fingerprint Cards (FPC) been integrated in a Windows tablet from a...
Precise BioMatch Mobile integrated in smartphone from South Korean vendor
22. Februar 2016 02:15 ET | Precise Biometrics AB
Precise Biometrics’ product for fingerprint recognition in mobile devices, Precise BioMatch™ Mobile, has through cooperation with Fingerprint Cards (FPC) been integrated in a new smartphone from a...
Precise BioMatch Mobile integrerad i mobiltelefon från sydkoreansk tillverkare
22. Februar 2016 02:15 ET | Precise Biometrics AB
Precise Biometrics algoritmlösning för fingeravtrycksigenkänning i mobila enheter, Precise BioMatchTMMobile, har genom samarbetet med Fingerprint Cards (FPC), integrerats i en ny mobiltelefon från en...
Precise Biometrics ingår avtal med Fingerprint Cards för smarta kort
17. Februar 2016 02:00 ET | Precise Biometrics AB
Precise Biometrics, marknadsledare inom fingeravtrycksmjukvara, utökar licensavtalet med Fingerprint Cards till att omfatta Precise BioMatch™ Embedded för smarta kort. Det utökade licensavtalet...
Precise Biometrics signs license agreement with Fingerprint Cards for smart cards
17. Februar 2016 02:00 ET | Precise Biometrics AB
Precise Biometrics, the leader in fingerprint software, expands the licensing agreement with Fingerprint Cards to include Precise BioMatch™ Embedded for smart cards. The expanded license agreement...