SmartGuy Group A/S - Previously announced capital increase will be fulfilled in the beginning of January 2014
28. Dezember 2013 04:32 ET
Stylepit A/S
SmartGuy Group A/S announced on October 31. 2013 that the company had signed a conditional agreement with Aktieselskabet af 14. oktober 2012 (Bestseller) concerining a capital increase with an...
SmartGuy Group A/S – Tidligere annonceret kapitalforhøjelse gennemføres primo januar 2014
28. Dezember 2013 04:32 ET
Stylepit A/S
SmartGuy Group A/S offentliggjorde den 31. oktober 2013, at der var indgået betinget aftale om kapitalforhøjelse med Aktieselskabet af 14. oktober 2012 (Bestseller) vedrørende tegning af 18.479.500...
SmartGuy Group A/S – Nedjustering af resultatforventninger for 2013/14
15. Dezember 2013 14:00 ET
Stylepit A/S
Ledelsen i SmartGuy Group A/S har besluttet at nedjustere resultatforventningerne for 2013/14 på grundlag af det foreløbige resultat af årets julehandel, der har været negativt påvirket af en...
SmartGuy Group A/S – Change of financial outlook for the year 2013/14
15. Dezember 2013 14:00 ET
Stylepit A/S
The management of SmartGuy Group A/S has decided to reduce its forecast for 2013/14 based on the preliminary results of the Christmas sales, which have been adversely affected by a surprising...
SmartGuy Group A/S - withdrawal from bid on Brandos AB shares
02. Dezember 2013 18:01 ET
Stylepit A/S
The Board of SmartGuy Group A/S submitted a conditional bid on 100% of the shares of Swedish Brandos AB on 25 November 2013 .
It has become apparent that the terms in the conditional offer can not...
SmartGuy Group A/S - betingelser ikke opfyldt i forbindelse med bud på svenske Brandos AB
02. Dezember 2013 18:01 ET
Stylepit A/S
Bestyrelsen i SmartGuy Group A/S fremsatte den 25. november 2013 et betinget tilbud på 100 % af aktierne i Brandos AB.
Det kan hermed oplyses, at betingelserne i det fremsatte tilbud ikke kan...
SmartGuy Group A/S – New Group CEO
28. November 2013 10:02 ET
Stylepit A/S
Changes to management at SmartGuy Group A/S
SmartGuy Group A/S has appointed Thomas Wandahl as new Group CEO of the SmartGuy Group. Thomas Wandahl comes from a position as CEO of Telmore, a...
SmartGuy Group A/S – Ledelsesændring med ny administrerende direktør
28. November 2013 10:02 ET
Stylepit A/S
SmartGuy Group A/S tilfører ny ledelse
SmartGuy Group A/S har ansat Thomas Wandahl som ny Group CEO for SmartGuy koncernen. Thomas Wandahl kommer fra en stilling som adm. direktør hos Telmore, et...
SmartGuy Group A/S – Conditional offer to purchase shares of Brandos AB
25. November 2013 10:27 ET
Stylepit A/S
The Board of SmartGuy Group A/ S has decided to submit a conditional offer for 100% of the shares in the Swedish company Brandos AB with payment in SmartGuy Group A/S shares listed on the Nasdaq OMX...
SmartGuy Group A/S - Betinget bud på aktier i det svenske Brandos AB
25. November 2013 10:27 ET
Stylepit A/S
Bestyrelsen i SmartGuy Group A/S har i dag truffet beslutning om at fremsende et betinget tilbud på 100 % af aktierne i det svenske selskab Brandos AB mod betaling med aktier i SmartGuy Group...