Tryg Capital markets day 2024
13. Oktober 2023 01:35 ET
Tryg A/S
Tryg will host a Capital markets day for investors, analysts, and other financial markets participants on 4 December 2024 in London. The event will focus on 2027 financial targets and long-term...
Tryg - Launch of share buyback programme
13. Oktober 2023 01:33 ET
Tryg A/S
Today, Tryg A/S (“Tryg”) announces that the Board of Directors has decided to initiate a share buyback programme of up to DKK 1.0 billion. The share buyback programme is launched with reference to...
Tryg A/S – Delårsrapport 1.-3. Kvartals rapport 2023
13. Oktober 2023 01:30 ET
Tryg A/S
Trygs bestyrelse har i dag godkendt delårsrapporten for 3. kvartal 2023 og rapporten for 1-3. kvartal 2023. Tryg rapporterede i 3. kvartal et insurance service resultat på 1.513 mio. DKK,...
Tryg A/S – interim report Q1-Q3 report 2023
13. Oktober 2023 01:30 ET
Tryg A/S
Tryg’s Supervisory Board has today approved the interim report for Q3 and Q1-Q3 2023*. Tryg reported a Q3 insurance service result of DKK 1,513m (DKK 1,785m), adversely impacted by more...
Consensus estimates on Tryg A/S
06. Oktober 2023 03:01 ET
Tryg A/S
Tryg has compiled consensus estimates ahead of the Q3 2023 report. Consensus is based on input from 12 financial analysts. Consensus is also available on
Tryg A/S offentliggør resultat for 3. kvartal 2023 og afholder telekonference 13. oktober 2023
29. September 2023 06:30 ET
Tryg A/S
Tryg offentliggør resultat for 3. kvartal den 13. oktober 2023 cirka kl. 7.30 CET. Telekonference Tryg afholder telekonference på offentliggørelsesdagen kl. 10:00 CET. Koncernchef ...
Tryg A/S will publish Q3 results 2023 and hosts a conference call on 13 October 2023
29. September 2023 06:30 ET
Tryg A/S
Tryg will publish the Group’s Q3 results for 2023 on 13 October 2023 at around 7:30 CET. Conference call Tryg hosts a conference call on the day of the release at 10:00 CET. CEO Johan...
Tryg foretager strategiske og organisatoriske ændringer
27. September 2023 05:53 ET
Tryg A/S
Tryg-koncernen har de seneste år gennemgået en transformation i både størrelse og geografisk tilstedeværelse som følge af to vigtige opkøb og en generel positiv toplinjevækst. Koncernen er nu det...
Tryg announces strategic and organisational changes
27. September 2023 05:53 ET
Tryg A/S
Tryg has undergone a transformation in size and geographical footprint in the past few years, following two important acquisitions and a general positive top-line development. The recently enlarged...
Indberetning af ledende medarbejderes og disses nærtståendes handel med Tryg-aktier
12. Juli 2023 05:31 ET
Tryg A/S
Bestyrelsesmedlem Elias Bakk har købt 1.000 Tryg-aktier á 134.80 DKK pr. aktie til en samlet værdi på 134.800 DKK den 11. juli 2023. Bestyrelsesmedlem Thomas Hofman-Bang har købt 7.403 Tryg-aktier á...