Inventiva et Hepalys Pharma, Inc., signent un accord de licence exclusif pour développer et commercialiser lanifibranor au Japon et en Corée du Sud
20. September 2023 16:00 ET
Hepalys Pharma, Inc. est une nouvelle société créée par Catalys Pacific, et dans laquelle Inventiva détient une participation de 30%. Dans le cadre de l’accord de licence exclusif, Inventiva...
Inventiva and Hepalys Pharma, Inc. announce exclusive licensing agreement to develop and commercialize lanifibranor in Japan and South Korea
20. September 2023 16:00 ET
Hepalys Pharma, Inc. is a new company created by Catalys Pacific and in which Inventiva has a 30% ownership position. Under the exclusive licensing agreement, Inventiva will receive a $10 million...
Mash Groupin yrityssaneeraushakemuksen käsittely
19. März 2020 12:08 ET
Mash Group Oyj
Mash Group Oyj:n saneeraushakemuskäsittely käytiin Helsingin käräjäoikeudessa tiistaina 17.3.2020. Yhtiön saamien tietojen mukaan päätös asiassa annetaan 7.4.2020, eli melkein viisi kuukautta...
Mash appoints Risto Illukka as Group CEO
24. Februar 2020 10:23 ET
Mash Group Oyj
The Board of Directors of Mash Group PLC has appointed Mr Risto Illukka, MSc, as Group CEO. Mr Illukka has worked in Mash Group since 2008, including as CEO of the Group’s subsidiary Mash Finance PLC,...
Ingenico brings Mash and the Nordic-way-to-pay to Spain
06. November 2019 13:15 ET
Mash Group Oyj
Mash, a fast-growing fintech company and the world-leading payments services provider Ingenico have signed a collaboration agreement to provide Mash’s innovative “pay later” solution to Merchants...
Mash ja Domec tuovat yhteistyössä maksupääteratkaisun Italiaan
17. Oktober 2019 03:00 ET
Mash Group Oyj
Mash ja Domec ovat tänään kertoneet Italian kauppiaille tarjottavan, innovatiivisen “maksa laskulla”-ratkaisun tarjoavan yhteisyrityksen muodostamisesta. Tämä maksuratkaisu kasvattaa kauppiaiden...
Mash and Domec join forces to offer pay later solution at POS in Italy
17. Oktober 2019 03:00 ET
Mash Group Oyj
Mash and Domec announced today that they will form a joint venture to provide an innovative “pay later” solution to Merchants across Italy. This payment solution boosts Merchant’s sales, increases...
Lakimuutokset vahvistaneet Mashin markkina-asemaa
12. September 2019 09:54 ET
Mash Group Oyj
Kuluttajaluottoja koskeva lakimuutos on johtanut Mashilla kasvavaan kysyntään, kun moni toimija lopettaa toimintansa. Yhtiö näkee merkittäviä positiivisia vaikutuksia, kun yhä parempia asiakkaita on...
Mash gains market share from recent regulatory change in Finland
12. September 2019 09:54 ET
Mash Group Oyj
Customers are flocking to Mash as many lenders are exiting the market, following the law change affecting consumer lending. Mash Group already sees major positive impact on demand as more customers...
Mash Group Plc Reports Interim Unaudited H1 financials, ended 30th June 2019
15. August 2019 02:00 ET
Mash Group Oyj
Mash on track for another record year as revenue continued to grow during H1/19, up 35% from H1/18. Equity increased by 46% for the same period with investors lining up to join. Demand remains high in...