Reduce Interest Rates and Offer Relief to Canadian Families – Ball is in Your Court, Governor Macklem
21. Mai 2024 15:01 ET
Canadian Labour Congress
Bruske: Workers are still paying too high of a price; interest rates must come down. OTTAWA, May 21, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Despite a slowdown in inflation and the Bank of Canada achieving its...
Metro Vancouver Sees Record Construction Activity
15. April 2024 09:00 ET
Rennie Marketing Systems
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, April 15, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Construction began on a record number of homes in Metro Vancouver last year, at more than 33,000—a 28% increase from 2022—contrary to...
New Report Predicts Relief From High Interest Rates in the Coming Months
19. Oktober 2023 09:00 ET
Rennie Marketing Systems
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Oct. 19, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The rennie landscape, a semi-annual compendium of factors affecting the housing market in Metro Vancouver, Kelowna, and Victoria,...
Inflation to Return to Target Range in Q2
12. April 2023 09:00 ET
Rennie Marketing Systems
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, April 12, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The rennie landscape, a semi-annual compendium of factors affecting the Metro Vancouver housing market, reports in its Spring 2023...
L’Indice des dettes à la consommation de MNP chute de 15 points et atteint un creux historique alors que les taux d’intérêt, l’inflation et l’abordabilité causent chez beaucoup de Canadiens de l’inquiétude face à leur endettement
16. Januar 2023 07:13 ET
Près de la moitié des répondants se disent préoccupés par leur niveau d’endettement actuel (47 %, +7 points).La moitié affirment regretter leur niveau d’endettement (49 %, +7 points).Sept répondants...
MNP Consumer Debt Index Plunges 15 Points to All-Time Low as Interest Rates, Inflation and Affordability Have Many Canadians Concerned About Their Debt
16. Januar 2023 07:13 ET
Nearly half say they are concerned about their current level of debt (47%, +7pts).Half say they regret the amount of debt they’ve taken on in life (49%, +7pts).Seven in ten say they are already...
Selon un rapport : Six Canadiens sur dix sont préoccupés par l’incidence des taux d’intérêt élevés sur leur situation financière, le plus haut niveau jamais enregistré
24. Oktober 2022 11:21 ET
CALGARY, Alberta, 24 oct. 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Alors que la Banque du Canada fera sous peu une nouvelle annonce relative au taux directeur, un sondage réalisé récemment par Ipsos pour le compte...
Report: Six in Ten Canadians are Concerned About the Impact of Interest Rates on Their Financial Situation, Reaching the Highest Level on Record
24. Oktober 2022 11:21 ET
CALGARY, Alberta, Oct. 24, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- As another Bank of Canada interest rate announcement looms, a recent poll conducted by Ipsos on behalf of MNP LTD finds that six in ten Canadians...
BC Home Sales Could Drop 25 Per Cent After Bank of Canada Rate Tightening
18. Januar 2022 07:30 ET
British Columbia Real Estate Association
Vancouver, BC, Jan. 18, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The number of home sales in British Columbia is expected to fall and home price growth will moderate because of rising interest rates according to a...
Survey: Risky Financial Behaviours Keeping Canadians in Debt
02. März 2020 08:02 ET
MNP Ltd.
CALGARY, Alberta, March 02, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- A survey conducted by Ipsos on behalf of MNP Ltd. helps identify some of the costly money mistakes Canadians are making that could be...