Go Beyond Analytics: Maximizing Big Data's Potential Demands Systematic Creativity, Says Boston Consulting Group Author of "Thinking in New Boxes"
11. Dezember 2013 09:34 ET
The Boston Consulting Group
BOSTON, MA--(Marketwired - Dec 11, 2013) - Companies are gathering ever-vaster treasure troves of data: It's coming in great volumes, in great varieties and at a great velocity. And, as a recent...
The Missing Link in Business Creativity Is 'Doubt,' Says New Video From The Boston Consulting Group
13. November 2013 11:54 ET
The Boston Consulting Group
BOSTON, MA--(Marketwired - Nov 13, 2013) - Many attempts at business creativity fail because they overlook the most important step toward practical creativity -- doubting everything.
Managers: Stop Squelching Creativity and Originality, Exhorts New Boston Consulting Group Book
01. Oktober 2013 10:53 ET
The Boston Consulting Group
BOSTON, MA--(Marketwired - Oct 1, 2013) - Too many business leaders do not give their teams sufficient room to be truly creative. In fact, managers often kill creative and potentially...
Leaders Must Nurture a Culture of Doubt and Radically Rethink How They Foster Creativity and Innovation to Spark Growth in Fast-Changing Times, Says a New Book From The Boston Consulting Group
10. September 2013 09:29 ET
The Boston Consulting Group
BOSTON, MA--(Marketwired - Sep 10, 2013) - In an age of accelerating change, when the lifespan of good ideas gets shorter and shorter, companies that lack a practical, systematic approach to...
"Thinking Outside the Box" Is Not Enough, and Can Actually Hurt Creativity, Says New Book by Boston Consulting Group Experts
06. August 2013 08:45 ET
The Boston Consulting Group
NEW YORK, NY--(Marketwired - Aug 6, 2013) - Over nearly a half-century, the phrase "thinking outside the box" has become synonymous with business creativity. But the concept is too limited to drive...
Why Is Brainstorming So Frustrating and Unproductive? Too Often It's a Random "Blue-Sky" Attempt to Force People to Be Creative, Without Providing Structure or Guidance
22. Juli 2013 09:08 ET
The Boston Consulting Group
NEW YORK, NY--(Marketwired - Jul 22, 2013) - The traditional approach to brainstorming demands that people "be creative" on the spot. They are expected to sit down together and come up with bold...