
Transformational Gif
Transformational Gift from Canerector Foundation Enables Durham College to Continue to Lead the Way in Skilled Trades Education
19. Januar 2023 13:57 ET | Durham College
Oshawa, Ontario, Canada, Jan. 19, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Durham College (DC) is welcoming a transformational $500,000 gift from the Canerector Foundation that will provide scholarships to as many...
Durham College's Centre for Skilled Trades and Technology grand opening
Durham College leads the way in skilled trades and technology training with new facility
21. April 2022 15:57 ET | Durham College
Whitby, Ontario, April 21, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- On April 21, Durham College (DC) welcomed donors, community partners, employees and guests to experience the grand opening of the Ontario Power...