Scentsational success: Attensi’s Game-based training helps The Fragrance Shop close 98% of the knowledge gap
27. April 2023 03:00 ET
LONDON, April 27, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Attensi enjoyed the sweet scent of success when they helped train the workforce of national retailer, The Fragrance Shop (TFS). The solution Attensi...
Future is brighter for awareness of neurodiversity
20. April 2023 12:10 ET
Attensi and Onebright co-create training to help all employees understand the needs of neurodivergent colleagues… LONDON, April 20, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Everyone should feel comfortable at...
Attensi teams up with the Y to train staff through cutting edge game based training
27. März 2023 08:00 ET
BOSTON, March 27, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Staff at The South Shore YMCA are taking their skills to the next level by training with computer games. They teamed up with cutting edge gamified...
Attensis simulerings- och spelbaserade utbildning hjälper Bosch-Siemens att öka försäljningen av vitvaror med 26 %
17. März 2023 02:30 ET
Pilotprojektet för mobilbaserad utbildning hos Bosch-Siemens visar en försäljningsökning på 26 % hos den utbildade personalen.Personalen spenderade i genomsnitt 1,5 timmar varje dag under...
Attensis spillbaserte opplæring førte til at Bosch-Siemens økte salget med 26 %
17. März 2023 02:30 ET
Bosch-Siemens' smarttelefonbaserte opplæring ga en 26 % økning i salg hos de ansatte som gjennomførte opplæringen.De ansatte brukte i gjennomsnitt halvannen time hver på å «spille» – noe som...
Attensi’s Modern Game-Based Training Helps Bosch-Siemens Drum Up 26% More Appliances Sales
17. März 2023 02:30 ET
Bosch-Siemens smartphone-based training pilot shows 26% sales increase among trained staffStaff spend 1.5 hours each ‘playing’ training apps – resulting in 93% improvement in knowledgeTraining system...
Erfolg von Gamified Training lässt die Blase des Online-Vorteils platzen und veranlasst die BSH Home Appliances zu einer weltweiten Ausweitung ihrer Strategie
09. März 2023 03:00 ET
COLOGNE, Germany, March 09, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Warenhersteller stehen in einem immer stärkeren Wettbewerb mit neuen und aufstrebenden Marken, während der stationäre Einzelhandel gegen die...
Attensi’s Modern Game-Based Training Helps Bosch-Siemens Drum Up 26% More Appliances Sales
09. März 2023 03:00 ET
Bosch-Siemens smartphone-based training pilot shows 26% sales increase among trained staffStaff spend 1.5 hours each ‘playing’ training apps – resulting in 93% improvement in knowledgeTraining system...